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Everything posted by SpanishGamer911

  1. Link still broken
  2. If you modded to get the vid masters then you won't be getting it
  3. They know people are modding achievements for that reason so i feel bad for anyone who modded there's to get recon XD.
  4. Just to show it off
  5. Anytime
  6. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  7. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  8. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  9. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  10. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  11. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  12. I Do Sigs just PM me with a render, & i mod achivements so make me a nice deal.
  13. Here you go http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii71/puertoricanhell/ForReaper.png
  14. I don't think you will get banned if you stealth patch it you should be good i play all the time ;)add me if you wanna play or PM me i have the english version for download
  15. Thanks and sorry i forgot to mention that it was made for me and im trying to get another one done but with the 5star General in the middle . I will post it once that one is made too
  16. The Middle part is just a puertorican flag then the bottom text is my user name and under that is the site i moderate
  17. What do you guys think ? http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/8705/sg911.gif
  18. Thank you reaper xD lol who uses that gay word anymore xD
  19. There are ways trust me >.> it was possible on the old xbox and its possible on 360 >.>
  20. Even if i do get banned i could care less lol most people would probably get mad or cry their ass off lol xD there's plenty of ways to get around ban's i was banned last year for some dumb shit i did and i still got around it with the help of 2 of my friends
  21. I Still say its a load of B.u.l.l.S.h.i.t lol me and four other people haven been playing it since the day it was leaked and we aren't banned. even if we do get banned i know two of use have other accounts & Xbox's lol and i've been banned plenty of times so i could care less
  22. Heres mine http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/PuertoRicanHell/avatar-body.png
  23. Thank you
  24. Thats pretty kick ass but the only thing i don't like is the text
  25. Good to see you again fattwam
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