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Everything posted by Esjay

  1. @%#$ man, that's younger than I was, I was 15 when I got my girl knocked up. We got married about 2 months after I turned 16 and my son was about 5 months. Anyway though, Rogue, if you want advice or help, im me. ill pm you my email for msn messenger.
  2. How many hours/days/weeks did you put into the coding for this?
  3. nds-roms.com romulation.net has some before any other site, but they use rapidshare nds-roms uses their own server for downloads
  4. pansey pistol? its probably the greatest weapon, but for renaming weapons and stuff, use Blu, its incredible, you can edit any of the maps messages, like instead of saying "You picked up a rocket launcher" it could say "You are about to drop da bomb" dunno why I put that, I'm about to be going to Gamestop, so i'm in a rush.
  5. I have a memory unit ill try to get the maps for you with. After all, that is what friends do.
  6. I have created an infection mod, but it gets boring.
  7. Esjay

    Fallout Stuff

    Its actually pip boys, not pit boys
  8. Esjay

    Bye Ibm

    You do know it doesnt download anything, right? It's only a shocker site. I've dealt with these since they first started rearing their heads. They're referred to as Last Measure by the people who are affiliated with the original, such as myself.
  9. Mod/Admin, sorry if you don't want me to post links, but buying/selling flashcarts is legal, just some of a flashcarts purposes. links; www.realhotstuff.com www.dealwoot.com I personally prefer realhotstuff, because you get your package in like 2 days after they approve it, which is normally within an hour after purchase, even if you live all the way across the US. They're located in New Jersey. If anyone has any further questions, please IM me on msn at Esjay@fantasysquare.com
  10. Esjay

    Resoldering Ram

    Well, guys I have the answer I need now. Mod/Admin, you can lock this now. Thanks everyone.
  11. Esjay

    Selling Devs

    Still, you can't do all the things with a custom kernel as you could with a dev kit, plus you can't even use a sidecar. I'd rather use my contacts to score a dev kit instead of trying to find a launch console, never upgraded.
  12. Seriously, DSTT? you could have gotten better, such as the Cyclo. Also, it's not a DS RAM cart, its a flash cart, ram carts are used for playing gba roms. I've had pokemon platinum in almost full english for about 3-4 months. only thing not in english is pretty much the names.
  13. Esjay

    Selling Devs

    Lol, you actually expect him to have his name with them when the actual seller isn't him. I know the original seller, but i'm already buying 2 dev kits, so I can't spend any more money. >_>
  14. Does anyone else have any H3 map concept art like this?
  15. Esjay

    Resoldering Ram

    Well, my supplier has said that the ram needs to be soldered on. I've been looking it up, and so far, to no avail. I'll see if the heatgun method might work, gotta check with the supplier.
  16. Esjay

    Resoldering Ram

    If anyone can provide me with a tutorial for resoldering ram, I would appreciate it, since I need to do it on 2 dev kits.
  17. I've had better experience with hex editing than using a program to mod films.
  18. Lol, like 98% of all Windows Black downloads have malware in them. But it's more than just what has been said about it. It has tons of pirated software in it, so some stuff you dont need to re-download.
  19. It works good if you right click it and click extract, i've never had a problem whilst doing that.
  20. W00t! Banned keyvaults! Now all these are going to be banned. At least I will have my own keyvault.
  21. NTSC is japan and US, PAL is europe.
  22. I thought he was, according to gabe_k. I'm sorry for misleading everyone. Quick, I am terribly sorry for this.
  23. No one has a .map resigner, only something to fix the checksums.
  24. Nobody has a .map resigner. The files are all signed with Microsoft's 2048bit Private RSA key, which even attempting to brute force attack would take millenia. You have to remove the checks from the xex so it doesn't try to see if the maps are signed.
  25. Makes me feel good I don't have to have someone do this for me. Funniest thing would probably someone showing off like "Watch me spawn a drivable scarab!" *Throws out equipment/scarab and gets killed by it spawning on top of them and proceeds to get RRoD* Teach them to be a showoff
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