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Everything posted by Esjay

  1. I'd look into this: http://despotify.se/ It's the open source Spotify client + library.
  2. Like a boss. I remember writing this. Been about a year.
  3. Agreed learning about resigners and rehashers actually has very much to do with real world programming. for instance, if you are doing a re-write of the containers for your game, anything along that lines.
  4. I prefer my AIO v2 and UMP v5 combo
  5. Esjay

    CoD 5 DLC

    I want them, too bad i'm broke. I'm gonna sell some game at gamestop so I can get these.
  6. AID 5.0 is actually coiming out soon. I think they just released AID 4.5, But I know I have a disc of everything for 4.0 laying around here.
  7. I use it all the time, for me, it converts large files, such as 90mb flv files, into avi, in 5 seconds, with perfect quality.
  8. Wow, I was doing a screenshot app, and it looks the same way, lol. Good work.
  9. Try Freez flv converter. There is one for converting to avi, and another to convert to mp3.
  10. Yeah, the d is shooped onto Get Fire.
  11. No, please read above.
  12. True, very so true. Live files are signed to a specific console and specific account, which means, you cant just inject this onto your hard drive.
  13. It wont work, Live files cant be resigned.
  14. Shader swaps eh?
  15. I was down there from the lift just last night. My whole team was down.
  16. Some facts about the guardians and some strange facts on Sandbox: 1. The shots don't go through bubble shields, which means you're safe if you're in a bubble shield. 2. Overloading the map will sometimes lag people out of the map.(like what happened to me when me and my friend kept overloading it) 3. Overloading the map will make the Guardians go really bright for a split second. 4. Watch out when going into the skybox, since i've been shot 5 times while going through the teleporter to get up there. 5. Overloading the map gets rid of the grids, which when done to the skybox, you cant place anything up there, which I hope Bungie fixes.
  17. Good thing i'm a linux user and only use pdf's every couple months. <3 zombie survival guide and ebooks
  18. lol, flyable scarab <3 I still havent looked at the mythic maps tags yet.
  19. No, since you don't have the tools for it. Do you have Neighborhood? The SDK? Knowledge of how to use the SDK? Knowledge of extensive programming experience with any form of C programming (C/C++/C#), PPC, Assembly?
  20. O.o It took me 5 minutes to download the maps.
  21. Esjay

    AI in halo 3

    For retail 360, maybe. For dev, no.
  22. I'm actually developing a game, so please don't insult us. May only be a crappy vertical scrolling shooter, but it is still a game.
  23. I'm with devkit owners in this one.
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