Giving stuff to the community would mean an insta-nevergetanotherthingfromanyone. Why do you think there is a limited plugin set for Johnson released to the public by Detox and anthony?
True that. Some people on the other hand, who know what they're doing, use them for development, which, coincedentally, is what they're for. <sarcasm> Weird, huh? </sarcasm> isn't even from Halo, dumbass. D3VIL made it up when he was high. He had from a PS2 game, and thought he injected it into a usermap. Anyway, raising the death barrier would be .map modding, as I have yet to see any death barrier-less mods.
You could just torrent the discographies. I get like 3mb/s per torrent. 700mb done in 10 minutes. When I have guests over, I ask them what movie they'd like to see, I go and start the torrent, go prepare snacks and stuff, and stream it to my 360. Of course, I get torrents from passthepopcorn.
You guys do realize that they can ban your range, even though it may ban like 25,000 other people. This one guy on irc got his range banned, which banned 25,700 other people. Anything to ban these ban evaders lol.
Spot 3 is easier if you jump onto the left side of the blade and then onto the blade so you dont need to crouch jump. I'm thanking the Unknown Glitchers for that info.