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Everything posted by killerskittle

  1. when you finish a level you can get stuff like atom bombs and stuff, which would normally be like 3000 points to get one but i changed it to like 1...i only did it to see if a program worked! since i have gotten addicted to that game before, i said what the heck, it was just a test
  2. wait...I was just thinking to my self and was thinking about that halo 3 has a con sighner built into it! Could you put an unsigned forge varient and have some one else download it and then have hale three sign it for you? Worth a try
  3. If any of you have played the tanks game you know that the best guns are the most points to get...well not any more! ORIGINAL TANKS NOT HACKED: http://www.mathsisfun.com/games/tanks.html HACKED: LOOK BELOW
  4. The search button (on this site) and google are the most powerful information tools around, use them, those questions have been answered 1,000 times! But yes you do need a CON signer to mod or change any type of file corresponding with halo 3.
  5. K, i will post some more in a non-spamming way!
  6. I am preety sure it has something to do with the .XEX on the halo 3 disc. You can extract it and maybe HEX it to find how it is signed...just another idea.
  7. Oh, if i had a nickle for every time i saw that one....i would be broke!
  8. I got a good idea, but thanks guys...i am almost finished i will post picz on friday.....TRY TOO its gon be PHAT dog
  9. Can some one make a GFX that has something to do with KILLER SKITTLE's...IDK how to use photoshop real good yet, unlike most of you guys, who apparently are amazing?!?
  10. But WHY?
  11. Why not a reasonable choice? KILLER SKITTLE
  12. killerskittle


    I am trying to succesfully create a whole XBOX 360 case all out of plexiglas, so far i have everything figured out...BUT the only problem i am having is how to do the power button in the front . I was thinking to solder a new switch to the front panel of the new plexiglas case...but i dont want to mess it up, plus i wont have the ring of light. Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, KiLlEr SkItTlE
  13. Woo Woo Woo. You have a signer?
  14. Has anyone tested it yet, to see if it like workz? (yes i ment to put a "z" where the "s" is supposed to be)
  15. i agree...anyone here ever messed with coding...or made any of the halo 2 signers...all you need to do is put that in a program and then we will be closer than ever!
  16. "Is the structure of the RSA certificate at the beginning of xbox 360 container files public knowledge? I've figured out (but tell me if I'm wrong) that the rsa exponent is the 4 bytes at offset 40 (65537, very common exponent). I've also figured out that the encrypted signature is the 128 bytes at 428 (because by comparing files from my xbox, this is the only part that is different). The 384 bytes between the exponent and the signature, I have no idea about though. Public modulus? Anyways, if I could get a C structure for this that would be awesome." will remain anonomous for now. Could this be the begining of container file signing?!? -nick-
  17. i agree anything (most evrything) by M$ sucks, except for XBOX 360 and HALO 3...but other than that firefox over-rules IE by like 10 fold!!
  18. how did you get such good screen shots?!?!?!??
  19. the 5.5G firmware doesnt work tried like 7 times and just does infinite reboot!
  20. pretty soon i hope they have "art contests" for halo 3 pictures, that would be cool!
  21. SWEET, i must def g0t to get dis wonder when it will come out? PLUS, hey who needs to mod when people will just do it for you, and risk getting banned for you, thank you halo 3 hackers!!!
  22. so as of right now stealth "discs" are not able to be used BC of M$ update.
  23. Yes true, if you modded lets say TURF, then you will only get like 20 second through the game, but if you have lets say a unmodded map of TURF then you be able to play the whole game! NEVER GET BANNED JUST BOOTED FROM GAME!
  24. 0n 360GAMESAVES.com thay have a resigner that can sign games saves to your account, so you download the gamesave, sign it, and put it on you xbox 360 harddrive! I got banned (no idea why, probabily cause i am the unluckiest person alive)....and the only way to make a new account is to have some1 send you an invite to register a new account! DISCLAIMER:: I AM BY NO WAY SUPPORTING 360GAMESAVES.COM (TRUTHFULLY THE SITE SUKKZ BALLS) BUT I JUST USE THEM FOR THE SIGNER!!!!
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