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Everything posted by killerskittle

  1. do you have to rehash the pic or just con sign??? -NICK-
  2. Nice "jello" rists, at 2:00 min!!! LOL
  3. Mainly my friends and adobe flash!! Go here to see what i've done www.freewebs.com/killerskittle -NICK-
  4. P.S. I rated everything in your file share 5 stars!! -NICK-
  5. Dude the last mod on Valhalla...is awesome!!!! 5.1/5 stars!!! -NICK-
  6. lots of cool mods are coming out tnow that we can PLAY them on a normal xbox! P.S. niceeee mod!! -NICK-
  7. More games you have played...slower # rank up! Less games played...faster rank up! I was plaing doubles with a friend who had loke 100 games played and me with like 700 games played. I started at a 38 he started at a 19 and by the time we stopped after not loosing a game i went to a 40 he went to a 43!!! -NICK-
  8. Something with: short bar's, and lockers! Ima go look at halo 3 one sec... -NICK-
  9. i am assuming the big blue things that shoot up from the ground only go once!! -NICK-
  10. Do you think you could find that nice guy inside of you and pm me a point generator...i will not give it out at my free will and over use it...i just need like on code to get the new halo 3 maps...or you could just pm me one of the codes and not the whole program! P.S. I have read the whole post and i am also ready to accept the consequences (dont think spelled that right)!! -NICK-
  11. Well at this rate nobody on this site will need a resigner or rehasher...as long as people just make mods for us!!
  12. Ima have to go with him on this one....you peeps with the hashers r being @$$'s!!!
  13. So this will continue in a big circle. People will hack the files>>>Bungie will change the files>>>everyone will get banned>>>SO ON AND SO ON untill a (dumb) rep from Bungie gives info away that's not supposed to be known and it will pause the circle for a minute or two then start back up again!!!
  14. Well now that we have a signer how bout one for halo 3>>>
  15. REAL ANSWERS Does anyone have the signer publicly released? Does it work? Does anyone on the site have one? What can it be used for, forge files, game saves, map varients...ect?
  16. IF they did photoshop it they are really good...but they didnt so nevermind...whats that program that will let you edit the pics from fileshare?
  17. Projectiles are in the .MAP file which can not be modified except for objects (boxes...what not) within a forge file!
  18. I am pretty sure that those kind of modifications will not be able to be transferred within a forge file...probabily .MAP file mods looks like
  19. Dude that sucks...
  20. SORRY, but you guys act like little girls!!!!
  21. He meens like how they have a new playlist for double EXP weekend...except with modded maps (something NEW)...cause you know that halo 3 forge is not the best!
  22. if i had a girl friend for every one thats gay id be loaded with girls If you knew any grammer, than you would know that made no sense!
  23. the folder with a star named "do not use" is the name of my wireless connection
  24. UMM...i guess like 887http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13741-110.jpg
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