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Everything posted by killerskittle

  1. Wow thanks i hated going through avalanch and deleting everything...LOL -NICK-
  2. It was an accident so ya pretty awesome! -NICK-
  3. killerskittle


    Wow how many sharpies u use? + mega BORDUM -NICK-
  4. Is their any way to do campaign mods on a 360...got Xsata and everything? -NICK-
  6. And i thought i was a good modder! NICE -NICK-
  7. Makes me wanna go back to halo 2 modding... -NICK-
  8. well it would have to split the spped in some way just like a router does! -NICK-
  9. Well here you go lots of pc games dierect DL's TAKIN AWAY WILL GO IN VIP SECTION SOME DAY!! you can register or use this: user:KILLER SKITTLE pass:****** DONT F UP MY ACC -NICK- EDIT BY LAXMONSTER54: Dont Give out account info.
  10. If you try to capture with it in any higher quality, you will get these god aweful lines on the captured video
  11. FUN is all that counts in halo!
  12. FYI that site has shut down! http://useruploads.mythica.org/
  13. APPARENTLY I DID NOT MAKE THIS CLEAR: YOU CAN ONLY GO UP THE LIFTS BY USING A REGENERATOR...U CAN NOT JUST JUMP UP INTO IT VIA "A" BUTTON! BEAR with me i have got to go to work in a minute... I'ts hard to explain so pix would be nice... DESCRIPTION: an "elevator" type lift that only works when a regenerator is thrown neer you! SETUP: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21432-339.jpg two walls standing up about one box appart in length two mancans on each side facing inside the "elevator" http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21432-340.jpg Not working without regenerator http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21432-341.jpg Working with regenerator...go ahead all u forgers try it out!!! p.S. it would be good for the puzzle maps....i figured out on my own so you are the first to KNOW! -NICK-
  14. I don't think you understood my post correctly, nor do you understand the item limit... Wow i am sorrry cry me a river....i didnt scrool all the way down sorry! -NICK-
  15. u gon release them or anything or at least pics?....come on man that post was USELESS! -NICK-
  16. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME if it works dude resign this one!! ULTIMATE forging!!!!! -NICK-
  17. Maybe BuNg!3 will wise up and just put some of that stuff like rocket pods (avalanche) and fans (foundary)and gates (highground)...ECT bin the forge inventory so we can expand our forging abilities and so we will stop moding!!! but they wont so what eva! -NICK-
  18. How bout a lvl with more boxes or something useful so u can forge and have more things...that would be cool....like unlimited boxes or grav lifts.....wait make a lvl with just gravlifts everywhere so like a big trampoline YA SWEET!!! -NICK-
  19. Now all you need is some aliens in the back ground -NICK-
  20. I have a IP nuker/Flooder...should i do it ?......NAH would e funny though!
  21. Or they will just perminantly just shut down bungie servers...and have to pay for a seperate subscription for halo 3...and keep record on everyone! + they have money to spare HELLO Bill Gates -NICK- p.s. (bad speller i know)
  22. G00D layout but center base is not exact! 3.7/5 -NICK-
  23. i posted that it was a virus the one that says ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS ITS A LIE......Dont download VIRUS
  24. I will help...i'm on alot...too much actually gt: KILLER SKITTLE
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