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Everything posted by Tomatoes

  1. mario galaxy was a bit of a disapointment. ive gotten like 40 stars so far and not one of them was a challenge. the most recent boss i fought took 2 or 3 tries but thats the closest ive come to a difficult part in the game. i liked sunshine alot better. alot of people hated sunshine, but there was always something to strive for for me, as i loved the levels where your pack got taken away and you just had to do an obstacle course. apart from that, the levels are amazing, theres a bunch of fairly inventive power ups you can find and a bunch of side missions to do. the controls are good, they dont sacrifice playability to ***** off the new features. i give the game 7.5/10, keeping in mind i havent finished it yet.
  2. this is gona take a good month to get twenty votes for someone
  3. yeah but the point is ibotmodz is doing everything now, just because you think halo is the best doesnt mean you have to comunisticaly enforce your views on everyone. i wouldnt be on this site if this section wasnt here probably, i dont have a 360 because im a poor ******* and i love my cs. nobody is making you click the cs section, just stick to the halo section if you dont like it.
  4. this is just unacceptable. its like the most popular pc action game of all time. the original version of the game is nearing its ninth birthday, and the version i posted a download link to, version 1.6, is almost 5 years old, yet i just did a server search with the option "has users playing" and got 16534 servers. how could never have heard of it? god dam, even my mom knows what cs is, its been in the news a few times. its an FPS by the way. just realised i didnt actually mention that. its alot different from halo, the recoil is ridiculous. you cant jump and shoot or the bullets will just go everywhere. its like playing swat in halo and you can only shoot straight if your standing still or crouching, if you are running, jumping, or shooting for too long the bullets will pretty much hit anywhere in a fist-sized circle in the center of your screen. download the game and try it, theres a link in the cs section. hot dam i typed alot
  5. source is for noobs. easier to aim, its like aimed towards beginners. also its just really easy getting free 1.6 so theres alot of servers made for non-steam 1.6 players, im not sure about source might be hard to find one.
  6. heres a link to download cs 1.6: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NOTKB3B0 keep in mind, this is non-steam (meaning illegal) so theres a bunch of servers you cant join. the ibotmodz server is set to accept steam and non-steam. the ip address is
  7. theres no point bragging about how good you are at an offline game, i can say i beat that chu guy without getting hit once and nobody can prove a thing.
  8. fattwam's internet is down, he'll be back on in max 1 week.
  9. here's a link to the full version of cs 1.6: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NOTKB3B0 me and fattwam have got an iBotModz clan server up, if anyone is interested the ip is
  10. ha, found it. had to use the isp-only login to turn it off. score one for team illegal.
  11. ok im lost already, can you walk me through the procedure or link me to a good tut?
  12. no i didnt, thanks for the help, lets see if i can blunder through the procedure on my own
  13. kay i got my listen server up, but nobody can connect. i got my ports forwarded, anyone know why?
  14. im trying to host a non-steam cs 1.6 listen server (not dedicated) and i cant find any tutorials, they are all about how to make dedicated servers. if anyone knows how or has a link to a good tut thatd be ausome.
  15. spam backwards spells maps
  16. the fastest torrent i could find told me it would take 3 years at one point, i didnt even know it could go that high, the five days it told me earlier was like best case scenario, too many leechers. im just going to cash in this money order i have and go buy sims 2, its been out 3 years now its probably not much for it + the expansions.
  17. it takes me to warez-bb.org, which im guessing is what you meant, but it wont let me register for an account, says the board admin doesnt want more accounts.
  18. well i aint willing to wait five days for somthing that might not work anyways, im just gona buy it.
  19. i never come on ibotmodz except to ocasionaly play arcade games, but this site ive come accross is pissing me off and i need somewhere to rant. i just came accross the site unlimitedgamedownloads.com and i went on bugmenot.com to get account name and pass for it so i can download sims 2 off a website rather then a torrent, which is going to take five days at this rate. when i got into the members area to download games, all it has was a link to download utorrent and instructions on how to use it. this is what people paid money and gave their e-mail to see. if you want to check it out for yourself, the account name is ga20me, password is ke01feb. also, if anyone could tell me a site where i can download sims 2 for free that isnt a torrent i'd appreciate it.
  20. how many times has fattwam saved the site from hackers now? you wouldnt even have a site to b**** on if it werent for him and he posted most of the modz so gtfo faggot
  21. from what i remember you just have to sign up for surveys and stuff, so make a fake e-mail because youll get lots of spam. the one i tried was mostly american-only and only a few offers were completable by canadians, enough to make me like 1$ or something and you needed atleast 5$ to get anything
  22. these sites suck for me, they wont let canadians complete offers
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