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Everything posted by diet

  1. Attention Internet Explorer Users If you use the dark skin with IE almost everything will be centered. How do you fix this? Quite simple really. You can either not use my skin, or you can download a better browser such as: http://sfx-images.mozilla.org/affiliates/Buttons/firefox3/FF3_88x31_b.png Google Chrome Opera
  2. diet

    Avatar Crap

  3. Your welcome. <3
  4. Yes now shut up and go away <3
  5. diet

    +rate +class me

    These seem like your best. I don't really like to give people numbers on art; when I see more of your art I'll class you too. Some advice I can give you is to not worry about text and to work more on filling up some outer space.
  6. If you got the opportunity take it...oh wrong time of teacher/student relationship.
  7. diet

    Project Natal

    Milo is just creep, to say the least. The motion does interest me, though nothing large scale.
  8. diet

    Latest creations

    2 renders and some text effects?
  9. Laughed Quietly To Myself
  10. Even though the leaked profile tool can't do timestamps. Also, lol @ common sense. undetectable* <--- this one game me many a lulz XSATA* And yes, it a way it can be undetectable. But a majority use the leaked version which is very detectable. For the ones using the legit version I would hope they are smart and don't just *unlock all* for everything. I'll give you 1 point for making a tutorial, but at the same time, the Profile Tool is not something complicated you need a tutorial to use it. @xpargas; I guess it really comes down to how much people value gamerscore. -diet
  11. Which I see kind of a waste, but meh Also, @Rouge; You do realize I wasn't insulting you but everyone else right?
  12. They're kitties, they don't deserve the right to be called kiddies. Pce.
  13. To me, it all depends on the situation.
  14. diet

    Modded GamerTag

    Which is good. The public never handles anything given to them like you'd like them too.
  15. Another cry for attention. I'll just leave this for you to read, because anyone who makes threads like this will always want to read over what everyone thinks about them. You maturity all together. You expect others to give you attention on anything and everything you do. You know what, there is a whole lot out there that could be said bad about you, but I wont say it. Just one post is boring. Let's see what others say. Prolly along the lines of "who cares".
  16. Hardly anyone knows how to debate on this site anyways.
  17. Your confusing a debate with an argument.
  18. diet

    Team Unix

    No, because it wouldn't of made sense. The FBI doesn't care about a bunch of 13 year olds modding Halo. The FBI is in it for the ass...I mean people's protection. Yeah that.
  19. Not in my sig.
  20. Heh, well even if is an Xbox 360 and not an Xbox 1 it can still run Windows. gabe, of all people I though you would know this. ...or did he mean acrylic windows lmao
  21. Uh, that is possibly fyi. Also, iunno if I'd feel good about myself bragging I have more Xboxes then someone. hehheeehehehehe j/k
  22. I always like when ppl say their 'friend'. Anyways hows this coming along?
  23. I'm pretty sure that the these color 'mods' you are thinking of in COD4 were from the PS3, and if that was/is the case they weren't 'mods'.
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