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Everything posted by diet

  1. diet

    Unable to Log in

    Just thought of this; Another thing you could try is to move all inactive members to an inactive group. Then whenever someone from the inactive posts anywhere from 1-5 times they will be upgraded to a normal member again. This way you can keep all your members but still weave out the ones who no longer come to the site, ones who have 0 posts, and/or ones who have not been active sense x day. I use to have a similar system on a old site I use to Co-Manage. Also, I forgot that with pruning comes member ID confusion. So I think you should at least think about what I put above, it would be good way of showing the completely inactive members compared to active, and casual members.
  2. diet

    Unable to Log in

    No, active members is what separates sites. You can have a site from 2002 with over 30,000+ members but if only 50 or so are active and posting whats the point? You having a bigger number then a competitor is not always good. I take it sarcasm from DS, so to Smoke why would you want members that just troll and don't post or don't give anything at all to the community and just leach? You wouldn't want 5,000 people that just walk around your store and never buying anything, would you?
  3. diet

    Unable to Log in

    or prune members with 0 posts?
  4. diet

    iXtreme 1.6

    ditto. Hopefully it wont be too long.
  5. Yup here you go. FUEL_SAVE_V14.rar
  6. You should try Google Chrome. It is that fastest browser I've tried and run it on my machine along side Firefox. Plus it gets 100/100 on the Acid3 Test. Agree with you on what? That it has social features? Cool, what social features do you mean? Also they would not agree with you that their software is like MySpace or Facebook. I know quite a few people on the IPB3 core build team along with the main people who work on all the graphics for IPB3 (Blog, Downloads, etc) none of them would compare this to MySpace. If you could please tell me which social features you are talking about then maybe I can understand you and/or agree, but just saying it has social features like is not going to help me. I love that about the file edits and mods, again one of the features I truely like. The buttons not being images and CSS can really be considered good or bad. I don't know how flexible they made it with that, but I know alot of websites that have special wants for their add reply, closed, new topic, etc. buttons that would other wise look bad if you used just normal text.
  7. Usually I'm one against ragging on others opinions and views, but khaos honestly do you even see what you just posted. How would you compare IPB3 (forum software) to that of MySpace and Facebook? These features of a social site your talking about are what? There really is nothing big on the features of IPB3 s compared to IPB2. They have just took the same stuff and added Java and AJAX. Signing in with OpenID/Facebook is more of a ease of access then a social feature. Exactly. --------------- If I would compare the way I saw IPB2 as to IPB3 it would be like this: IPB2 is Windows XP IPB3RC2 is Windows Vista IPB3 Final MAY be like Windows 7 In the end, I find no real reason to upgrade other than to get alot of eye candy and maybe a few cool features here and there.
  8. diet

    360 Buddies

    Dark, why not try to do what this guy did with IE, I think the app would come off alot less sketchy. http://brh.numbera.com/software/xblist/
  9. You could subscribe in IPB2... I like alot of the features, but a few things dealing with the layout bother me. If there were IPB3 features on IPB2's layout and less ajax/java (I know alot of it is cool as shit, but at the same time alot of it gets annoying etc), I would like IPB3 alot more. Though for my vote IPB2.
  10. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/n0dex/avatar-body.png
  11. So um, guys don't hate me if I don't make a dark skin. IPB3 is a bit overwhelming and yeah. :/ If it means anything to you there are quite a bit of skins in the works my a few friends of mine that will be released soon, some free and some that cost, and yes dark skins too. So yeah Still look forward to what comes in the future, with this being IPB Release Candidate 2, I'd expect IPB3's official release quite soon.
  12. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends&do=bbcode
  13. I need someone to get me IPB3 so I can install it (locally) and see what has changed to make another skin. I asked a bud of mine and he said skinning IPB3 is a lot different then IPB2. I'd be glad to make another skin though, have a few ideas, if someone can get me IPB3 send me a pm. I'd buy but hah, I have about 10 "house" things I need to buy before I can worry about internet website stuff lol. Also peaches & anyone who cares, IPB3 works great in Google Chrome too and from what I can notice, is a lot faster in Chrome then Firefox. Update seems great, I've notice a few problems here and there but it's to expect. -det
  14. IPB3 is very AJAXed up.
  15. No, if you can't follow the tutorial above and need a video then you don't need to be doing this. Anyways, another online site you can use to get the colors is http://colorpicker.com/ (I find this one easier)
  16. mine crashed randomly and some times at the best part of a youtube video...fkn sux
  17. Actually I've had many cases on different computers without Service Pack 1 having the problems he's having. SP2 for Vista just got released a few weeks ago. Many times Service Packs have alot of effect.
  18. comp sepcs? what windows version are you using 32bit or 64bit do you have the latest service packs?
  19. No shit it requires more work. No they just left it so you could mod it oh and on top of that they left you an eCookie in there too with your name on it.
  20. diet

    Avatar Crap

    That's actually a good idea Boose, to post it in VIP. Also, we don't know if you can get banned or not. Though if I was a MS dev and saw a red, green, blue, etc. Avatar I wouldn't ban them (regardless of the ToS). Avatars are useless anyways.
  21. Does it matter, they're banned.
  22. No order, just random ones. http://localhostr.com/files/d9614c/capture.png http://localhostr.com/files/7b13a9/capture.png
  23. If anyone wants to make a better banner your free to do so yourself. Mine was just a quicky.
  24. ISO mods
  25. diet

    Avatar Crap

    Yeah you really stand out compared to the blacks, whites, mexicans, etc. They're like wtf the hulk and hellboy?
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