This is what I heard Bungie doesent care if you mod... Its only if you put them on your own fileshare or realeased the modded content you made. Just basically dont put it on your fileshare and dont go oh hey bungie look at my modz! Then you are at a risk of being banned or getting a warning. Lets say if it was leaked to the public you may recieve a warning but if another mod was leaked again then you may be banned... Lets say if you put a mod on your file share even if you did not make it. Then bungie may ban you...
So someone tell me how a Development Kit can run a unsigned key but yet our normal Xbox 360 cannot someone tell me what makes the Xbox 360 Development kit be able to run a unsigned key tell me but don't just say the files are different what I want to know the key in the file that makes it be able to bypass all of that stuff! B)
What do you guys mean by SECURITY like the kind of security where it wont let you access the files code? The kind of security that is REALLY hard to get to the codes? Or what? Ohh and one more question... Would we have to take the MAP file off of our Xbox's of can we just use the one that we use to open Johnson 1.4 with?
I would try to make one but I would need ALOT of help and ALOT more info on this so called .MAP Resigner? If Bungie made one why can't we! I bet if all us modders worked on one project we could problably do it... I mean its not like one bungie member just randomly made some .MAP Resigner!
What I mean is how does the new resigned code be generated? Like the CON its resigned off of a keypair... Is a .MAP resigner going to be like that when/if one comes out? Or am i just totally wrong... LOL
I have one question about this so called .MAP resigner... How does this generate does it even generate or is it just a simple code? Because if it is a simple code cant you just use that other Halo 2 resigner and put the code in there? Oh and what does it generate off of... Is that what we are trying to find out or what?
Its really simple all you have to do is place the Item you want to swap with Goto SCEn tag on Johnson take the Identifier of SKY then Replace the lets say crate with sky. But make sure you put that crate or whatever as high as it can go! Or the water will appear under the ground!