once it flahsed all i did was put everything back together and it eventually just wore off. EDIT: it was a successful flash cause it reads burnt OX games.
your pissing me off with all the drama =( Joined:10 months ago, July 17th I think. Other Aliases:Decatur55, Decatur, my name is Jake. Posts:1,957 posts (almost 2k) Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?):no, but i did register anyways Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: to contribute and be a little bit more restpected Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: it depends on what it is. If it's something that is relatively important to something I'm working on it, I'll DL it, but if it's random and unnecessary, yeah i frown i guess, more of a =|