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Everything posted by Decatur

  1. Whole setup http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Setup.jpg Lappy included for modding http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Laptop.jpg My baby. My pre-NXE flashed n x-clamped xbox. Formally known as "Before the Virus" http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/beforethevirus.jpg
  2. I'm On Shrooms - The lonely island
  3. fixed for you.
  4. I helped.
  5. this is my last one cause noone else is signed up here for referrals. Everyone knows gaminglagoon so I found a working low lying one.
  6. it won't, simple as that. if it does, put into dfu, and hit restore in itunes.
  7. B U M P
  8. Here's my jailbreaking technique. it's done from CMD and is a nor flash, so you don't lose your data. Much faster and simpler then this GUI of quickpwn. Also, this is quickpwn, just at the CMD level. Video: Cannot Be Displayed File: Redsn0w
  9. I work with linux sever OS all teh tiem in school . Anyway, hows the new chatbox for IPB
  10. http://www.yourfree360games.com/index.php?ref=270561 All you do is register, choose an account type. Do point type, its a million times easier. Register, and login once for me pl0x.
  11. closest is prolly new york, too far, sorry bro.
  12. Anything in western Mass?
  13. come to boston.
  14. CTRL+ALT+Delete, find firefox.exe, end process, reopen.
  15. bump, my stuffs came in, pics soon to come. REGISTER THARR NAO.
  16. Smokie is an ex-staff, how about you shut up and learn to respect retired and ex-staff. kthxbai.
  17. You: You got a boyfriend? Her: Yeah, I don't know what to say... You: You could say the position is filled, but your looking for an upgrade.
  18. it could also be modding via the same way cod4 was..its the same mods as campaign, nothing having to do thats huuge.
  19. lol, he wanted a porn site hacked to get the porn when he could just get the same thing for like 20. flawed logic is flawed.
  20. Decatur

    Diablo II

    of course.
  21. umm, a good way to be successful (it can be how you did it) or a tut on patience
  22. Job for a cowboy- Entombment of a machine
  23. You Are What You Eat Just For Fun! Lost The Great Defender Game On! Jk, mine are Friends Scrubs Mythbusters River Monsters Family Guy. Oh, and read the first word of the first 5 television shows.
  24. I havent done gfx in a while and want to know where I left off. rate and class a few of my sigs. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/sprite.png http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/atta.png http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/melogift.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/Retrotext.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/Samus2.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/BOUNTY-2.jpg Also say which style you like. I havent done anything in a while cause i lost my resources and was grieving. EDIT: All of these were done on a lappy w/no mouse, all done with a 2x3 touchpad. thats why my flow/pentooling/erasing/blurring might be a lil erratic.
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