Nice to know that you runz this. On topic: If the naughty word filter is abused, we can still ban. Just in case they didn't know. I don't personally like the color because you can't tell the difference between donor and member.
With a 2 year contract, the iPhone is $100 dollars...look it up guys, unless your stupid -.-
Dual boot dude. You can have multiple instances of the same operating system on the HDD. I once had up to 24 XP's to **** with a school computer. Get your hands on a 64x and a 32x Windows Vista and that's all. (imo)
I say more detail. I couldn't make heads or tails with the lite-on/sammy. You need more description ie. Where to get the firmware, and just go slower in your tuts man.
I'll post links tomorow when I'm on my laptop. Now I have a graphics card question, and it involves formfactor. The card I am looking at is PCI Express 16 2.0 whilst the mtherboard is PCI Express 16. Will it fit and presumably be functional? Usually I'm good with pc's but I don't want to **** up my own build.
....Why doesn't someone just make a proper ******* resigner and make it universal so we can all agree, we would just have to get different KV's, even though I haven't seen a KV banned since NXE.
Aye, there is only one way to learn.Although If I got into website design, I would do it on a null board and give few people the link just to see their opinions on the matter. But whatever, life's a learning experience, chill out. If he wants to learn website design and coding, let him. It feels good to at least know one person is using your hard work.