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Everything posted by Pargy

  1. Pargy

    H3 prank

    when did i ask you to add me, i said peaches
  2. I made it dont buy that computer, its way to expensive for the specs
  3. Pargy

    H3 prank

    meh, doesnt matter, not like it was planned or anything add me peaches GT is my name
  4. Pargy

    H3 prank

    Why do people take b.net so seriously?
  5. this is like the 100000000th poll about this
  6. Pargy

    H3 prank

    Who the **** is Mr Cereal? He ****** up everything
  7. Pargy

    H3 prank

    Made me lol http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm31/xpargas/untitled-7.jpg
  8. Pargy

    H3 prank

  9. Pargy

    My cat

    Bonsai kitty?
  10. Attract Discharge fake tears Drill Peck Swallow Encore Horn attack Knock off FALCON PUNCH!!!!!!!!
  11. Pargy


    Yay give me a dollar
  12. wat?
  13. There is a site called Hits4pay, you get payed to look at ads, like bux.to but its legit You get $10 for signing up and 2 cents for every ad you look at and 1 cent for every ad you referrals look at, over time, if you get alot of referals and they get referals that adds up to a good bit of money. So if your kind enough would you please sign up for me? Here http://hits4pay.com/members/index.cgi?Xpargas You can get people to sign up by posting it on like craigslist or something theres a lot of good tips on this site http://www.hits4pay101.com/ thanks
  14. you can cuss wherever you want, its not illegal
  15. Pargy

    What game?

  16. Pargy


    not gonna happen, every time i ask he says he ate it
  17. you only get one quinn 2005
  18. Pargy


    Be less Gay
  19. we <3 you peach
  20. They went all da vinci on our asses i hope we get the wing thingys, that would be cool
  21. ...H0 is censored, santa will never come here
  22. ...you license transfer them
  23. Pargy


  24. Pargy


    Bungie said they are on the disc ********, and they will probably be out on the market place about the same time
  25. Pargy

    Who wants a sig

    meh, im too lazy to do anymore
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