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Everything posted by Pargy

  1. This is my old connection, the Ping is win: http://www.speedtest.net/result/699885685.png and that was on a good day.
  2. it's a seapig god damnit! http://www.notempire.com/images/uploads/Untitled-1-1297.jpg
  3. http://imageups.com/files/109/wat.png
  4. SEAPIG!!!!
  5. You look like my friend Stewart | V http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs416.snc3/25070_101072239931646_100000866124901_33455_1159205_n.jpg
  6. I tried it with my friend and it didnt work, she just slapped me.
  7. ...that's just as bad. Are you using Gimp or something?
  8. Pargy

    IRL Yao Guai

    WTF is that? a bear?
  9. Points2shop sucks.
  10. ...well, he was obviously trying to lose.
  11. CrownGPT GPT4Free Points4rewards RapidGPT Those are all the sites i've used and i've been paid by all of them, so they are legit.
  12. I think i got sand in my ******.
    1. connorss


      don't you have a..... oh wait nvm
    2. Lockon


      I think you need to get that checked out...It may be infected
  13. The quality is great but the shakey cam sucks, dont do that, it's unoriginal and annoying.
  14. Pargy

    Xbox 360 For Sale

    I shall offer $5 and my first born daughter. ....or son, if you're into that.
  15. ...except the machine gun.
  16. Pargy

    Rhyming Topic!

    While fapping to Megan Fox in Jonah Hex http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/jonah-hex-megan-fox.jpg
  17. How the **** does that rhyme? You ruined it.
  18. Tacks http://johnfudrow.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/tacks.jpg
  19. fax http://jeremy.zawodny.com/i/uxb700fax.JPG
  20. OMG you're so koooool
  21. There are way better GPT sites then that, just use crowngpt, gpt4free or some other site like that and get an amazon card, cpalead scripts suck.
  22. I saw one place that said $80 and another said $200...
  23. Oh lawd, that shirt is horrible.
  24. Shave your uni-brow and molestash (molest + mustache) and you will look way less creepy.
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