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Everything posted by Chilleh

  1. Chilleh

    Azn Beauty

    Shes not blurry. It's just LQ. The c4d being blurry helps to keep the focal on the girl.
  2. Chilleh

    Azn Beauty

    CnC. http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/5162/aznbeauty1v2oz8.jpg
  3. Chilleh

    - LIGHTS -

    Shes a singer. Says her name in the tag. It's from her music video February Air.
  4. Chilleh

    Azn Rawr!~

    I'm just going to act like i never did the second one. It's causing me to much trouble.
  5. Chilleh

    - LIGHTS -

    CnC. http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/9655/lights1mo3.jpg
  6. Chilleh

    Azn Rawr!~

    http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9924/aznrawr1v1tf9.jpg http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/7677/brokenpieces1v3fw9.jpg
  7. It's just kind of boring lined up, and i'm not saying don't use brown maybe just a diff shade?
  8. The colors fit, just work with it a bit.
  9. Chilleh

    assasins creed

    Don't like the ripple effect. The text needs a little work and the bg should have more colors that blend with the render.
  10. It's okay to have more then one color.
  11. Personally its pretty focking smecksi.
  12. I don't like the brown or the banner text. Also the text going down on the side seems to be perfectly lined up.
  13. I'll stay active if melo gets remoted.
  14. I would maybe add another color and try not to blend the render so much. Almost looks like a floating head.
  15. I'm just wondering, is this absolutely necessary. I'm sure they can handle it. Not trying to offend.
  16. Hard to tell what it is on HD. Red kind of ruins it tbh.
  17. Chilleh

    Dino Electrix

    Thanks. It's not really that great IMO. It's my first LP vector pen tooling completely from scratch.
  18. Chilleh

    Dino Electrix

    CnC. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9313/dinovectorai7.jpg
  19. A bit dull and bright, I wouldn't cover up so much of the render. Everything else looks fine.
  20. Np guys.
  21. Chilleh


    Thanks. I might use this in a tag soon. I'll think about it.
  22. Chilleh

    The Fall

    Oh well if you ever want me to render a stock for you I can give it a shot.
  23. Okay, in the many tags I've seen here I've noticed they lack some of the basic things. This tutorial will help with understanding coloring, flow, render selection and many more basics in a very detailed easy way. I didn't make this so I'll post the link to the original post of it. Enjoy. http://www.tech-gfx.net/forum/showthread.php?t=25719
  24. Chilleh

    The Fall

    Try to move your renders off to the side a bit, most your sigs seem to have centered renders.
  25. Chilleh


    Forgot the eyebrows. xD http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8759/sakuravectorev7.jpg
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