That's exactly how the head looks. Not much color in it. I'll vector the legs later, won't be much different. I'm sure I can still capture the concept and look of legs.
D.W. a lot of people think they are amazing when the probably don't actually know that much about gfx. I can't honestly say if he does or doesn't so whatever.
If you look at the render it needs lighting at places. If you look at all the lighting parts on psd it actually touches the tag up quite a bit. It's 4-5 c4ds with erasing and pen tool. At the beginning it was a gradient map, but i made a few changes to it. The psd proves it's not that simple. I'll release it on sd if you'd like to take a look.
Nothing is blurred out and your just scared to show your emotions. Sounds like your the one who needs to grow up. Other guys are always pressuring friends to be manly and emotionless, but it just proves they are the wusses for giving in to pressure yo.