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Everything posted by T3RROR

  1. Did you read his first post? I was referring to way he worded it, It didn't make sence.
  2. I know its the "old or not your contributing." I didn't understand.
  3. Ok, it's old. I'm a se7e nsins (the whole word is blocked out which is stupid) guy so I didn't know about it. But a lot of others probable didn't know about it either so chill out. What? Again, What? That's what I tried to say. These just have to be Text Strings so editing the description in your favorite program (ie:Forge 2.5) works, doing it in halo 3 will not. The game changes the "<" and ">" to "[" and "]" so it must be modded. And V3NOM, don't talk down to me.
  4. *Note* I was not the first to do this... I found it in "INSTALL pAsEm" file share. Lookie here: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/9607/244991403909mv3.jpg Here are all the variables I tested so far. GamerTag: <controller0_gamertag/> Updating TimeL: <time_hms/> Day: <day/> Number Month: <month/> Month Name (IE: September): <month_name/> Year: <year/> I have not yet tested the other Controllers (1,2,3) in thiscase 0 is first player, 1 is second and so on. These just have to be Text Strings so editing the description in your favorite program (ie:Forge 2.5) works, doing it in halo 3 will not. The game changes the "<" and ">" to "[" and "]" so it must be modded.
  5. 1854
  6. Chuck Norris And if I can, myself?
  7. Who are you to have an attitude towards a noob (you being one yourself)?Also he's asking about where the profile for the achievements is. I personally do not know, but I'll get back to you Wiz asap.
  8. T3RROR

    Film Editing

    Ya thanks for the help, Could you give me a link to all the programs you used, including the rehasher and resigner, Because I know that some rehash only 117kb files
  9. T3RROR

    Film Editing

    I just got my transfer cable and I started modding, when I tried to mod a film it keep's getting corrupt. First I used MirageBETA9.5 then I tried with hex, editing out of about 10 vids I only got one to work, I think it's because of the length of the video the one that worked showed only me for about 20 seconds anything longer or with more people didn't seem to work can any one help me. Does any one know what is wrong?
  10. HEY DUDE IT'S SOOOO FUN TO TYPE IN ALL CAPS LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL JK. Actually most people hate when people type in all caps please don't do it again, if you need to emphasize a word bold it.
  11. Hey kid you dont even have to right to be yelling at some one when you expect that people are going to download a mods like the ones you made.
  12. Thats .map modding...
  13. I run a site for my clan TROGC and we would be happy to have you guys join up with us, maybe I could get a modding/hacking division going... Contact me if your interested GT: I AM T3RROR
  14. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/funny-pictures-deer-under-trampoline.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/funny-pictures-cat-fell-for-boobie-trap.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/funny-pictures-little-kitten-thinks-he-can.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-lil-red-riding-cat.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/2003778223763443208_rs.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/2005860812964181849_rs.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/2000072630262921490_rs.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/trash.jpg
  15. Look like more random objects...
  16. dude that's awesome I'm going to try this with SWAT!
  17. I cant even understand what your saying. Go back to school and pass first grade...
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