Gypsy (or Gipsy) has several overlapping meanings.[1] Initially the word was used to describe a people who called themselves Romany who first appeared in England at about the beginning of the 16th century. Although in certain contexts it can still be used to describe just the Romany, it is also used to describe anyone who live in an English speaking country who lives a nomadic lifestyle that is superficially similar to that of the Romany, and as a translation of words in other languages to describe similar groups.
Yeah I herd about that. But as i said befor they arnt going to be able to get past the $%#^%# secret service,or w/e obama has gaurding him. With only a bullet proof vest and a Glock and maby an M14, whilst high on meth and crack.
yeah and its going to be crazy annoying if it dose work BEEP BEEP beep from every three year old trying to sound older its going to be... the new voice masking noooooo
PAINT BALL FTW,love that s***. The shooting of others is so much fun. I like the adrenaline rush it gives you when your in a fight. I love shooting someone from a hill. Takeing out a whole team from a hiden spot. Hideing sighlently as a whole team walks past you then taking them out from behind (no homo) Needless to say I love everything about it, greatest sport in the world screw football and that crap.
The screen of your tv thats weird and, I've had some weird 360 glitches sotries for another time I suppose. Well how far you get into the start up or is it as soon as you turn it on and, I mean you turn and BAM!! it's there? Have you tryed a difrent game? Have you been starting it up at the dashboard or the game? Did you leave your Xbox on alot I mean like you went to bed and did'nt turn it off for like 5 days strait? Is it on like a rug or wood/tile? Is it on its side or standing up strait? Do you have a cooling fan on it because, those can cause more damage than good? (sometimes) Is the power supplie on a wooden/tile surface? How old is it? And sorry to say, it may be your TV how olds that? Note:just throwing around random things that can give you problems.