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Everything posted by littlechikon

  1. I'm googling it right now =] Edit: Didnt work
  2. I need to make a program that generates 5 random numbers and letters, in VB9 but I am having trouble. Can someone help me ? =]
  3. no i dont have to restart my computer. I tried it on another computer and nothing. Its not drivers either since it worked at one point.
  4. Alright so i restored my computer and put a lot of stuff on my Corsair 16gb Flash Voyager. When i first plugged it in my newly restored computer i opened it up and it wouldnt let me copy things to my desktop. Then it changed from drive label "Corsair" to removable disk f. when i try and click on the disk it says "insert a disk into drive f". I unplugged the usb and plugged it into another usb port. It came up as corsair and then the same thing happened. I also tried in safe mode and it came up as removable disk f. I have really important things on this drive that i need to get off. Is there anyway? Thanks
  5. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3...I%20Chikon%20II 25 and 14 ^-^
  6. wow.... your actually funny! OHHHHH sorry i meant ad. i didnt know i had to punctuate and be completely literate online. my bahd.
  7. Funniest add I've ever seen =] http://i39.tinypic.com/2qd2at0.jpg
  8. deffinatley not... =]
  9. Just slice the top of the plastic covering the case open and bend the case so you can stick your fingers in and take out the code =D
  10. 2 versus 2? lol
  11. 1) i wouldn't call it a bump since there were multiple posts before me. 2) if you would call it a bump then stop being a hypocrite and you stop bumping it. 3) isnt it so cool how i make these lists! <3
  12. Yes thats what i mean. I haven't played a map with a sword yet either so idk how to get that. Maybe Sandbox has one since i've only played SWAT on that so far. Also im having more trouble then you can imagine with the 2 kills from the grave on orbital. I stick someone then they kill me and then they blow up and i dont get a kill from the grave. ='[
  13. 1) It is so possible for him to get to from 20-50 with over 100xp...2) your 49 used to be your main before yoshi iz gay came along =p, and 3) its not going fast your not tricking anyone ;]
  14. If anyone has the mythic mappack and wants to boost achievements with me in it message me!! Either PM me here on ibotmodz or send me a message on XBL that says ure from ibotmodz. Gamertag: ii chikon ii
  15. well then if you have the modded HD all you need to do is change the xbox pword and user to xbox and xbox ( or whatever you prefer) and then you make the ip static on both your xbox and network adapter and then you connect through any FTP program with your xbox ip and the user and pword you set for it
  16. When you say major contribution do you mean a donation or something?
  17. What do you mean it will already be done? And if you already have the dash installed then all you need to do is setup a Static ip with your xbox and make it match one on your network card. =] AI sucks =]
  18. Splinter cell, Action Replay, uhm.... yah i think thats the most important stuff really. But thats for softmodding i never hardmodded
  19. well anyway the point is ... can i recover anyones account for teh maps? it will take like 5 mins for recover and 5 to download =D So please, I'm begging you guys =]
  20. Yeah i heard about that but i am willing to let someone recover or go on xbox .com with my gamertag so that they can see im not lying and what not. So basically I'd give them my email and pass for my main GT and then they can see that I'm not a ****** like venom =]
  21. Do you think perhaps you could let me download them? =D I can give you a 46 account to recover until im done downloading the maps if ya don't trust me and Renegade on the Bungie website for the weekly update it said over the next 5 weeks they'd be releasing information on the mythic mappack and pictures of it so that gave me the impression that we had to wait 5 more weeks at the least and thats just to long for me. and also this way i get them for free =]
  22. Is anyone getting the mythic maps tomorrow with halo wars? If so maybe you could let me recover your account and download it =D. If you dont trust me ill give you an account to sign into first so that you can gain my trust =] plz
  23. its still poopie that they stoled it, frownyface =[.
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