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Everything posted by Xander

  1. Xander

    Portal Modding?

    It's the same as with L4D. Just make sure you set "sv_cheats 1" to a button. Having sv_cheats set to 1 by default doesn't work in Portal or any Orange Box games for some reason. Only L4D.
  2. Xander

    My Nxe Dash.

    Add it into the CON. It's part of the data.
  3. Xander

    My Nxe Dash.

    Here's a parameters.ini, then. I've tested the sphere colors from 0 to 6: 0 - White 1 - Grey 2 - Black 3 - Peach 4 - Yellow 5 - Lime green 6 - Sky blue I'm sure there are more after that, but I can't be bothered to test more at the moment.
  4. Xander

    My Nxe Dash.

    Just extract/edit a parameter.ini from a premium theme (like the free Winter theme) to use the black globe and you get this.
  5. Xander

    My Nxe Dash.

    Don't forget to include the new parameters.ini so that you can change the color of the foreground and avatar lighting. The black globe is much nicer than the default one.
  6. I've got the 3-month that came with my 60GB HDD Live Pack, but I don't get what you're trading.
  7. It will be in the public folder (0000000000000000). If you're using XPort 360 it'll tell you the names of the games on the folder, but if you're using Xplorer360 you'll have to know the ID in advance (or else guess and check).
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