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Everything posted by Shotspartin117

  1. there is somthing you dont know trust me
  2. this dosent work
  3. ok yester day i made a construct mod but then i relized that how are you supposed to play this even if you have a .map resigner beacuse its an old map so im making a new one now on black out with more swaps This pack comes with un resigned .map mod and a note pad with things that i swapped like frag to horned or charged pp to banshee bomb Stuff like that Here you go Download- http://files.filefront.com/construct+modzi...;/fileinfo.html Heres container edits v2 beacuz my cousin mat wouldnt release lol Download - http://files.filefront.com/Container+Edits...;/fileinfo.html
  4. i herd this song it got stuck in my head so i added it
  5. ok i worked hard on this hope you like it Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpf2iglgZeQ ~ShotSpartin1177~
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