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Everything posted by Shotspartin117

  1. Yea u know you like t *** up lol jp
  2. wow your joking open xplorer and go TO CONTENT then thats all your profile are in there
  3. Halo 3 In The End (Music Video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpf2iglgZeQ Enjoy ~ShotSpartin1177~
  4. Fixen this for v3
  5. This haz many 360 MOdding programs Like custom kernals,linuexes for xbox 360 rsa crackers and more. Tip1. You need a working win~rar to open them threw the program. Tip2. if it gives you an error inther winrar trying to open saying Error Data file not found Extract all files to desktop. Tip3. For v2 make shure you change the ccd in autoplay rename the ccd to X360 Hack V2 pics~ http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/f.jpg Download http://files.filefront.com/X360+HACK+v3zip...;/fileinfo.html Credits= This program Was made by ShotSpartin1177 I want to give a big thanks to the people who help me out on this project DarkSlipStream BitFox YelleowYoiker XxmarioxX xX7Saint7Xx Dog5poin0 And big thanks to all the program creators XXI mod uXX H3modder9 I SatianreaperI OoDom711 Xbins 2.5 xbox799 venomusfire Shade45 Detoxic Shad0wLag Anth0ny DarkShallFall I 0ldmaPm0dZ I X 1337464254 X IX360ModderXI Dervrived Dog5poin0 XBloodHoundModX Lux UPDATE= More credits in the about me 2 videos added in the program UpdateV3 New Song Smaller Removed 1 video added song stop and play multimedia button No fixen the cdd Unlimited downloads
  6. well in bordom i made this ill start making mods due to bordom which wont be alot
  7. Name_ King of the hill infection Bugs_ On Some Maps the missle pod doesn't work,Sometimes it dosent work. Description_ This is infection in king of the hill with missle pod's By Shotspartin1177. Download_ Koth_infect.zip
  8. Thanks but this is actually used for modding dashboard films too.
  9. i see what your sayin like i said they were just mods not special 1ns
  10. dude i was 12 when i played halo 2 and if your abyss killer than u stupid cause i was 12 wen u gave me this account now im 16 so dont talk i know my own age
  11. then again very easy lol
  12. Program-ConSpir Description-Video extractor not injector you have to figure out how to inject it yourself Creator-deeHunter http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/de1.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/de2.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/de4.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/de5.jpg Download_ EDIT By Lax read Last post Conspir.exe
  13. just wanna bump this back up in case people never saw it
  14. i am shotspartin but my other account got hacked so i made tyler iz gay and melo changed it to shotspartin117 and yea roller coaster is pretty fun haha. o yea and if your 8 don't bother flaming me im 16 and i dont stand for s*** like that.
  15. u wernt the won i was talking to that guy i quoted was the 1 i was talking to so dont worrie i wasnent talking bout u and ur right there not amasing mods lol
  16. These are not mods that are supposed to be amazing you just play them for fun and like i said befor if you dont have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all
  17. Halo 3 UNRELEASED Mod Pack By ShotSpartin1177 Ok, here is a crap load of mods that i have not ever released sum might of herd of them but was never available. _Maps_ Gaurdian ----------- *The Swamp-Trees,vines,mist and more. Blackout ----------- *icy Space-Name says the game hah The Pit --------- *The Pit 001- veiwable air lifts it was a test ask me how i did it and ill tell you. Foundry ---------- *Modded Tombstone-The Name Says it All. *Cage match-Cage to have 1 on 1 matches in or flamethrower matches in haha . *Modtrack-This is very old never released make shure you can jump high this map is for running fast and jumping high dont let the mongooses fool you. Last resort ------------- *Mod Ships-Very fun mod that takes the stress away and makes every one have a good time. *LastResortMod-This was a mod that i made on the 4th of july it has water sky wheels jumps and more. Vahalla --------- *Mod V3.6-a cool mod that i worked on to make it perfect jump and hold A to get out the spawn kill hah *Try & Escape-Try and escape is a great stragety mod. *TreeRace-A tree Destruction Derby in around a big circle. *StairWay-My Very First Mod play in ctf and jump the stair way. SandTrap ----------- *StairwayMod-ok this mod is just sumtin cool to do in spare time you gonna need forge or super jumping high powers witch can be set in options ColdStorage -------------- *ColdStorage Edt-my first cold storage mod its ok its got invincability flood and mist _GameTypes_ *No wepon-Really long timer till you get no wepon haha . *Slayer001-invincable. *Fight GT-Short Sword Start. All mods were made by shotspartin1177 and i am now releasing these so enjoy and don't take credit cause its not cool. _Download_ http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...03%203%20D%20Xx
  18. I dont need to spell correctly to show my age dumb ass and i dont need a 13 year old nerd to tell me off so back up o yea and tell some of the people on RealRapTalk.com That They Dont Spell rite I DARE YA
  19. @#%$ you kid i diddnet steal s*** i made this @#%$ you and manty people diddent know and im 16 so @#%$ off homo
  20. Irfranview] Well most of you have never herd of this program i found this and the only one i shared it with was yellow yoiker and since im done with halo 3 modding heres what it dose and how to use it What It Dose Well every one must know when modding screen shots you have to null pad this dose it for you! How To Use ON Modding Screen Shots First follow this tut This is a tut on how to mod screen shots really easy !LINK FIXED! ok first you going to need container edits v2 - http://files.filefront.com/Container+Edits...;/fileinfo.html First get your screenshot off of you xport second open it in container edits v2 and extract the halo3 image container now when its finished go to your picture and right click it next you will go to open with and open it in paint first no do not edit in paint just hit save not save as now close paint and open it in photoshop paint.net etc.... i prefer paint.net beacuse when you hit save it lets you change the size of the picture with arrows but its not always exact ok now edit it and hit save if your in paint.net try to resize the picture with the 2 arrows as much as you can to get it as close as you can to the screenshot containers size example say i have a 188kb screen shot but the picture is 194kb just press the arrows down so you can get as close as you can to 188kb Then Comes IrfAn View Download - http://www.download.hr/windows/file/257/IrfanView http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/ir3-1.jpg Click on the download button i circled it beacuse yelow yoiker could never find it lol ok when its done downloading these shoud be on your desktop http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/ir4-1.jpg Now http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/ir5.jpg Open the extracted image and go to file and batch (the thing thats highlighted) Next This Should open up http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/dd.jpg In Work as select batch conversion - Rename result files in batch conversion settings For the output format select jpg format Check the use the advanced now hit options and this should pop up http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/das.jpg Do not check the first 3 And check all below except for the last one now where it says Set file size make it the exact file size as the con container Example its 299 and the con size is 320 just type 320 Then hit ok Now In the look in window find your picture and click add all Then Select start batch Now find the picture you where trying to resize and delete the rest it might not say the exat size sometimes and somtimes it will dont worry now inject the it back yousing container edits and resign rehash and put it back on your xbox and enjoy Made By ~ShotSpartin1177~
  21. welll these are my last i want noting bad about them in the post
  22. if you have noting nice to say dont say anything at all
  23. Yellow look at me im on ibot modz im at oc maryland so i got on to somebodys internet sevice til he finds outr hen hell probably shut me down but just saying WHATS UPP
  24. Description_ Hi Every one i have finally finished it the map you have all been waiting for this mapi s playable and is NOT Host Only So this i good on live and Offline This map has 4 warthogs and 4 mongooses at start area a ramp made or big wheels and a derby bowl made of big wheels this is fun for all all the time. Pics_ Ramp http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/hallo3.jpg Inside http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/halo1.jpg Blown Apart http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/halo2.jpg Start http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/halo34.jpg Bugs_ You might not spawn in spawn area somtimes forgot to fix in final theres one hole but you cant get stuck in it unless you try to (YellowYoiker lol) The name is Derby Beta pio or somthing like that just change the name to microsoftpoint symbol Derby microsoftpoint symbol ~SPECIAL THANKS~ Thanks To All These people For Testing,Helping,ideas,etc.. Yellow Yoiker Itz BatMayne Crack Fighter Sniper kitty Warm Soup dog5point0 luckydogrulz hereticdemon666 an emo with a br XxoneXshotXscottxX TgxChaos & Dr Snipepper Download_ http://files.filefront.com/usermap00000000...;/fileinfo.html Enjoy Made By ShotSpartin1177 THE X SCREAMER_ Description_ Hello every one to day i am going to bring out The Beast It Is Called THE X-ScReAmEr This Is A RaceTrack on last resort that goes around the whole map It Has big jumps, long falls,Sharp Turns,and more Thes An in side and an out side also the horns are disabled so no one can hear you honk muhahahaha! this map is made for X-treame racers not BEGINNERS Enjoy the pics it just might be the last time you see that map again haha ph43r ph43r Fear Is IN THIS map heres some pics! !HINT! the only reason the autor is blank is beacuse i was in local when i made this. Begining, http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49682944-Medium.jpg InSide horror Hall way http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683036-Medium.jpg jump of doom http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683175-Medium.jpg Threw the track and beyond http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683284-Medium.jpg Jumpinnnn http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683411-Medium.jpg Jump to your Death http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683518-Medium.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683626-Medium.jpg B!tcH Stole my car http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683843-Medium.jpg The Tunnels http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/49683905-Medium.jpg WARNING There are NO Spawn points There Are Crates Around the map that you can make some on spawn if you move that crate out of the invisable spawn point area and if you dont GAME OVER FOR THAT PERSON muhahahah! Credits- ShotSpartin1177 For Making the mod ~Special Thanks to~ For Testing,Ect... William48151623 Yellow Yoiker ItZ BatMane Enjoy Download_ QUOTE http://files.filefront.com/The+X+ScReAmErz...;/fileinfo.html To All of IbotModz,*****,and xboxtampers,this is my last mod that i will be making ever i hope you enjoy them Sincerly ~ShotSpartin1177~
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