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Everything posted by Shotspartin117
ive tried that
ok can sum one help me wenever i connect my xport i run vista and i run as administratior it dosent show my hdd it used to like 2 days ago now it dosent can sum one help?
http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=75689622 theres proof now you can shut up
i still got the video of me making it so i have all proof and my name is hidden on that map so whut u got to say now
i made this you ****
*Hurricane* Creator- ShotSpartin1177 Description- This map starts off at the end of the map right at the barrier where the skull is located. you as a spartan must make it back into the map without dieing from the gaurdians so you get the achievement if you didden't get the skull yet and you get a great map This map also has invisi barriers that's why it's in modding Yes this map is possible to beat Pics- http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/75669488-Full.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/75669664-Full.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/75669792-Full.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/75669890-Full.jpg http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/75669585-Full.jpg Video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILH35O-1RBc...re=channel_page Download- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=75670830
ModBoX 1.9 pic's- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=75311237 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=75311250 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=75311266 Description- Fly on the top of sandbox use a banshee to get out of stuck spots Good to play when bored Play in forge Download- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=75311287
ahh i still see you have no life and still wasting your time on halo really wow i am not trying to be mean im just trying to help your before you go to far but if you are planning to be a game designer like xenon anthony eazy b shade then go right ahead with this and dont read any farther beacause there will be no point ok you have wasted about $1000 to maybe $800 in a game console that you do modifications to if your not going to be a game designer stop please its not that cool it was at first now its plain old dumb and you could have bought a screwed up car that you could learn to fix from a cousin or somthin with that money you could buy a new tv take your girl out a couple times to a nice fancy place idk somthing else seriously i know its cool for the new people they havent seen much if you havent noticed i havent been stealing anything any more or making any thing beacause i have got my self a life please quickill we used to be freinds and i know you dont want to be a game designer well i gotta go i might not be on for awhile but umm yea jus listen to this maybe youll understand maybe you wont youll probably just turn around and flame me i dont care go ahead but im jus sayn this for your own sake sincerely, ShotSpartin1177
no it wouldent smart guy it would be extracting dlc/levels/db/Death barrier from the core.map making a plug in for sand box and raising the death barrier and u suck dick head
yea long story and shure i will later
RollerCoaster 2 Ok since its the holidays and i have a little spare time on my hands i made this also made this cause the site is a lil slow lately so hope you like it Description- * Smoke * Stairway every one can see * Death barrier raised pics- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=61537836 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=61537837 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=61537847 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=61537853 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=61537854 Players- 1-4 6-9 Credits_ ShotSpartin1177 StealthSniper69 Download_ http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=61537730
yellow has a iphone but its usless he dosent have a number its pretty much just a ipod lol
http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/1213392502019.jpg Thats mine i sucks terribaly but im getten an iphone 3g for christmas thank god
True but at least my posts looked good lol
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH this is hilarious you deserve it you lying back stabbing friend you were cool till you started to mod then you became a jack ass and this is why i diddent give you bots so you wouldent get your ass banned wut do you do beg sum 1 else and get banned wow haha this is what you deserve
Were u jacking off wile typing this post damn put some effort in your work
just ask either doob e snack or halod03de
To all tell you some people know that i have a halo 3 recon(Ostd) Beta i found it in a torrent idk how but i did i have the iso and the defult xbe on my desk top To tell you there is a new wepon called the MD7 Battle rifle Its an exact replica of the br with red lights night vision scope There is also 1 multiplayer map calledRevived Its sortof a combinition of vallhala with gaurdian and the sky is night which is very cool i must say The mongoose is very very nice The campign map is sorta hard i played on normal and its not like the original halos u will die if u run in and just start shooting the brutes are tough eliets are not really in the game well atleast the beta
Thanks that will be aprecciated
or just youse uber visable projectille tool
True i think its fake beacause i can atleast do better that this i mean come on quick the double radar and the warthog lookks too high deff to look like from a pic
Map Name_ OSTD Turf Orginal map_ Turf Features_ ----------- Projectiles ----------- Auto aim on Br Plasma pistol_ senery and explosion of assult bomb Brute shot_Damage increased Sniper_ Damage Increased Melee_Strong Force (hit Ground u fly up) Sential Beam_Jet pack for u Smg_Damage increased Rocket_4 Scarab Main gun Air Strike ShotGun_Stronger Carbine_Brutes Magnum-BIG Rocket Explosion only you can see but still hurts others -------- Hud -------- Colors Are different for when whomever is master chief PIC http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/hud1.jpg -------- Spawns -------- One spawn in the middle of the map ---------------------- Chatacter Swaps ---------------------- Character Swap To Master chief as OSTD_ COMPLEATED Character Swap To Eliet As Brute_ COMPLEATED Character Swap To Frags TO Grunts_ COMPLATED --------------------------------------------------------- PICS --------------------------------------------------------- http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii144/shotspartin1177/mod.jpg DOWNLOAD_ Sppf_http://files.filefront.com/OSTD+TurfFINALE...;/fileinfo.html
yes sand box will not be an updated foundry its the map that you see all the bungie employes on that one vidoe its sorta like a small sand trap so make sure u update dat
or you could just open you xbox and hotswap with dl dvd-rs
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