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Everything posted by Demon

  1. I just bought these two things, because most of you know im a anime fan. So ive started collecting anime merchandise. This isnt really anime, but its cool http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8551-601.jpg A big Nightmare Before Christmas Plushie Pillow. And This: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8551-602.jpg A Pokemon Calendar ( To start off the anime stuffs im gettin').
  2. K This is a Lambo Sig i done, its not that great but meh.... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8550-603.png This was me just playing around. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8550-604.png And this is like.... my business card for my studios that im working on. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8550-605.png if any of you guys wanna help out with blue demon studios that would be tottaly awsome
  3. Nice, i also have my own label and i would be glad to help you lax, idk just quite how yet, but add me on MSN: Tupacmakaveli234@hotmail.com Or Aim: DopetasticDemon and we can talk things over Laxmonster54 Production in Collab with Blue Demon Studios
  4. Wow those are some cool mods, with some cool ideas. i wish that people wud make tuts for everything like that on halo 2
  5. Demon

    Serria 117

    nah because u still activate checkpoints, and u get teleported at loading zones i think....or maybe its checkpoints.
  6. Demon

    Serria 117

    yea its because they got there way early notice how there are no enimies already there??? and notice that the phantom stops? thats because it way eairly in the game, so howd they get there so fast???
  7. Demon

    Serria 117

    Hey can someone please tell me how these mexican dudes manage to get to this part of the map so early? me and my mate tried for so LONG. i just dont under stand how he did and there site is in mexican:( and i cant register for some reason. http://youtube.com/watch?v=N-6iuGlv0KQ
  8. Demon

    OMG yey

    woot, guys im in teh FSR clan, futursexrobotz.... with the video? ... re=related as proof here i am in a FSR video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIKUdtdZ4Zk
  9. no offence dude but that is really ugly, that girl is really ugly too sorry but me no like 1 bit it makes my signature cry
  10. guys after sepnding so long in this awsome community i finnaly got xbox live,b ut no router so i cant play mods on xbox connect, but yer add me DemonsRevenge im not like really good, but im not nub i seemed to do ok when i was playing big battles which was my first time last night
  11. was fast for me , and if u dled it they were HUGE pictures
  12. i love your view on things, its very real and expressive *thumbs up* and lol yes very nice sig 9/10 only cos its not really appleaing to my likings, but its a good sig nevertheless
  13. Well This Is Awsome, its a few pictures of halo 3, and in mega high quality, and huge res, 63000 i think. its 700 mega byts, but it wil dl supafast, trust me my internet sux im from New Zealand. these are awsome pictures. trust me http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... essKit.zip
  14. sure
  15. hey thanks lax, and im sorry bout da beef before with the simpleness of sigs, you a really good gfx artist
  16. you mean to say,,,,, im in ?
  17. lol thats very nice plus i remember the first time u said u were making ur last sig lolz
  18. humph nah jokes, but its hard for me.............. i suck XD, i never got really good, not even when i first started gfx, i can still remember the day. it was like febuary and i asked anarchy to make me a iser bar and he did, then i wanted to make another one and he was like nah so i was like sweet. then i went and got photoshop ahhh good times > http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4483-249.jpg
  19. Demon

    SSJ3 Goku Sig

    ty lax , also that bright bit i had problems with because its ment to be an arch of energy from his arm, but teh center was already bright so its kinda hard to see
  20. Demon

    SSJ3 Goku Sig

    Its not very good, but i was just playing around with a tutorial i seen rate plz http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4478-250.png
  21. Demon

    mlg bar

    lol good point, its nice. but a ps2 controller in a halo 3 site? well idk, does it have anything to do with halo?
  22. ok, and good luck brute, u gfx is very good
  23. what do u mean supply u? u mean like PSD? or just what i used for the silliuette or w/e? i dont think i saved a psd, but i did make it if thats what ur wondering? edit: its the halo wars elite with the energy sword cut off heres the original render http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... pos=-24374
  24. lol DONT XD, fine with me i was just saying gesh, and nice sig caratti.
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