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Everything posted by Demon

  1. Lol nice i like it i done something like this once but it was human anatomy and a big evil tree lawlz
  2. well i was bored so i decided to mod halo2 again and like wtf... is it just me od like does everysingle moding ap i try use have an unhandled exception error or some s*** any1 else have the epic fail known as vista? does it happen for you?
  3. either have tri sli 9800gx2 or tri sli 280's or what ever there called and overclock your cpu and have ultimate water cooling lol
  4. Demon

    Halo 1?

    Nice, tnx for the help
  5. Demon

    Halo 1?

    Im no noob at modding and was pretty good except for my skins never working WTF? anyways im bored so i got halo ce online and i was wondering if the newer DOThalo and stuff work for halo 1? like is everything the same as modding halo 2 since i never modded it before?
  6. Opps sry ignore this
  7. Demon

    Peaches Gift :D

    K ill fix it and u tell me what u think
  8. Hmmmm?, huh those a crappy sigs man lol........
  9. Demon

    Peaches Gift :D

    hmmmm i like it like that but if peahces doesnt meh, ill change it lol
  10. Woo, im defiantly interested in buying something like that, ill get my money together and qw talk business
  11. Demon

    Peaches Gift :D

    To peaches .... its not the greatest in the world and if u dont like it tell me and then its up for any VIP\Staff who wants it . I appologize if its too dark, it depends on your screen setting really.... its fine for me anyway. http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s280/DEMON23_/peachesgift.png V2 http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s280/DEMON23_/peachezv2.png Better? i hope u like
  12. anychance of us getting it? im sure i can come up with 20USD in no time lol
  13. Whoooo, now stop ignoring my post !
  14. id like to join DemonsRevenge oh and idk about my connection, ill probably lag so ill just leave if i do ahaha
  15. Demon

    Lucky Star

    Whoooo same its pretty good.... more rates plz *bump*
  16. Lol, years of experience you say, and THATS your sig? im not saying you suck.... or that im good but cmon ive done sigs casually for like a year and hardly often so im not so great, but years of exp and thats ur sig? lol...... Meh.
  17. Lol this looks awesome, reminds me of prometheus lol those noobS!
  18. Lol whooo nice i like, year ive been doing gfx for ages too but huge gaps inbetween
  19. Demon

    peace guys

    Lol i remember peaches talking about leaving ages, back when it was a free forum lol
  20. Lol coming from someone with 4 posts............. anyways its alright. 7/10 for creativity lol
  21. Ae? some1 translated it already? lol *gets ndstt cartidge*.......... lol nice only the items and stuff not the actual storyline
  22. i havent been listing any songs but i ahve been listening to: Primeminister, Yung Jeezy Sweat ya Perm Out, Katt Williams Dope Boys, Game Feat Travis Barker Some Basshunter Re up, Gucci Mane Krumping music, and some hardstyles.
  23. Why play colin mcrea rally?
  24. Demon

    Hi I'm new :D

    Yeah, Stupid nabz! Anywayz, Welcome and uh enjoy ur time lol
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