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Everything posted by yellowyoiker

  1. add some more stuff like what? random missle pods everywhere? I really couldnt come up with an idea to make this a playable mod =0
  2. AvaFlood v23 http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll236/gatoraderob/Avalanche.jpg Made by YeIIowyoiker Post written up by YeIIowyoiker of iBotModz.net Features: -Layers of ice -Layers of water Bugs -A Little bit of the map near the bases isn't flooded. Pictures http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll236/gatoraderob/avafloodpic1.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll236/gatoraderob/avafloodpic2.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll236/gatoraderob/avafloodpic3.jpg Video None Download http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=48485692 Hey Everyone This is prety much my first map that hasnt been a test =0. It took me 23 tryes to flood it Considering I was a sandbox NOOB! Please give me feedback/Corrections to my format. Yellowyoiker of iBotModz.net Avalanche.bmp ava_flood_pic_1.bmp ava_flood_pic_2.bmp ava_flood_pic_3.bmp
  3. Idk what could possibly cause all of these
  4. Yeah ive done it on legender on crows nest and it is insane
  5. I think I might have left 2 modded pics on my fileshare overnight cause i fell asleep. could that had been why I was banned from matchmaking permenatly and consol banned on my xbox for 1 month but im still not fileshare banned? any ideas?
  6. dark legeacy is already file share banned and i think permenatly banned from matchmaking =0
  7. Is there anything we can do to prevent it from happening ever again?
  8. But my fileshare isnt banned? I mean wtf , So Is is safe for me to continue to mod maps while my consol is banned from matchmaking for 1month? as long as i dont put the maps on my fileshare and i share through showing people them?
  9. My Account has been permenatly banned from matchingmaking and my consol has been banned for 1 month, I have modded screenshots *nothing bad*, maps, and films. Im pretty sure That I was banned because of modding the screenshots but could this have been from modding maps or films? Is is still safe for me to mod maps and films if I was banned for modding screenshots? Any help You can give me I will be thankful for. Sorry for the horrible spelling .
  10. Sweet map, Great gameplay, A++++++++
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