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Everything posted by Sphere

  1. Sphere


    http://gyazo.com/3d1aa9f4652ace530fb91fed3fd640f6.png http://gyazo.com/3f91178fd0e5c1e1f81b034e9f935780.png Website- Gyazo Download (Direct Link)- Mirror Virustotal- Gyazo-1.0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT1zzv_3iD0 (Pics above used from Gyazo) I'm not sure if someone posted this already, but this is a really useful Tool. Once you use this tool, it automatically transfers online, giving you a Direct Link to the image you wanted : http://gyazo.com/1d2...3920170a669.png for example. Website- Gyazo Download (Direct Link)- Mirror Virustotal- Gyazo-1.0
  2. well, not many people know how to change coordinates and stoofs like that so i help the peoples that dont know how
  3. I am offering to help you guys out on your forge maps. Just message me on XZ CLUTCH XZ or xKiller4life. I can straighten out stoofs and etc.
  4. i can help out, add xKiller4life
  5. can someone confirm this?
  6. This is just an easter egg on campaign. Theres tuts on youtube on how to do this now.
  7. Thank God theres ALOT of armour. Now I won't get bored. EDIT : For the Elites Flaming Helment Red, anyone who has the Legendary Edition can use it.
  8. Sphere


    I bet everyone who watches this video would like to hang this kid in his own Garage/Basement. I know I would. Jeez he sounds like a Girl or he's just Gay?
  9. Damn you guys with Halo Reach already. Well I think the maps looks pretty well, looks Almost exactly like the maps. P.S Bad Song. Sorry.
  10. When I clicked on both the Avatar Editor and Achievement unlocker is said I need to be a premium. Plus I also logged in with the account from Weplay.... Kay Kid Nuff Said? Quickill,David Queer?
  11. I downloaded this just because I wanted to see the Achievement Unlocker and Avatar Color Editor. But I found out you can't do anything without being a Premium. So Gay.
  12. This is way to Effed Up. Watch at your own Risk because if you have dogs you care about you are going to cry over this. http://valleywag.gawker.com/5626105/4chan-on-the-hunt-for-puppy+throwing-girl http://valleywag.gawker.com/5626105/4chan-on-the-hunt-for-puppy+throwing-girl
  13. Why are all your posts for modding all deleted on Youtube?
  14. Im not really into Halo Multiplayer, but I love playing all-based Halo Campaigns.
  15. Oh, then I was wrong then. Haven't checked in a while so maybe thats why.
  16. If anyone ever wants to play Halo 3 with me or help me level up, my new main account is "Prologued". THX BYE
    1. jmdalmighty
    2. Sphere


      its FRESH, no Matchmaking games played whatsoever ;D
    3. jmdalmighty


      I'm a ligit 40 in dubs by my self I wouldn't mind helping out if you like
  17. OMG You should take a risk and give him the points/time card. Jk.
  18. Sphere has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?
  19. I thought it is 1,000,000 xp to be a General. Because I'm a Legit General at Halo Wars and I think I got to General at 1 Million xp.
  20. First Time seeing this. This is pretty hillarious.
  21. Yet another person who registers just to post this. Plus I don"t think anyone would want to pay to level up.
  22. I think when Halo Reach comes out, our site will become famous again.
  23. Sphere

    Mw2 modding

    It's funny because the only reasoned he registered was to post this. Yeah Peaches, Kv's are almost running out. Thus meaning no more 10th lobbies.
  24. I love Rushing with Sub-Machine Guns
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