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Everything posted by gatienthe

  1. The IP of the cod server change all the day and that doesn't work The Packet is crypted u FAIL
  2. Research is Finish WE CAN'T Close this topic Thx
  3. i don't think so ' The RING doesn't work !!!!!!!!
  4. DOESN'T WORK !!!!!!!!
  5. why that doesn't work
  6. My friend do this glitch and i saw her modded item and for me that doesn't work =/
  7. rogue is wrong , there are triggers to activate the scarab gun and take away the death barrier.
  8. Epic Fail
  9. I think i know how to bypass the "check" for had recon. ukjay send me ur e-mail ,i explain u
  10. Ok so i try ,i copy/past all the halo hex and my profil (recon ---> profil) I unlock all armor except recon all the campaign in legendary .And i get the recon config
  11. http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/6231/myrecon.jpg
  12. My custom HUD for my rock ground mod http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/3429/customhud.png
  13. I already have recon so
  14. Send me the patch xD
  15. Jime is not sitting on the forklift lol Use this for forklift : X :-0.1161996 Y :-0.1586443 z: 0.1580341 i : -1.121E-07 j :9.52E-08 k :-3.3E-09 w : -1 http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/9320/frklift.png
  16. no , it's a BIPD called my_balls ....
  17. i nevers say ; it's my mod Why you said this ? It's not mot my mod i know
  18. It's my first test,really esay to do
  19. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/6787/4beach.jpg
  20. Hi,try the save : http://rapidshare.com/files/233144279/pers...04A0865AB1.html It's my save but if that doesn't work ,i can mod and play a mod with your name
  21. ~Mod : Itchy (Skin and Extra Color) ~Mod : In7enden7 v2 (Elites with two flag) ~ Film/Gameplay : Itchy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lfwgU0LwxI...player_embedded Cannot Be Displayed
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