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Everything posted by jrjonanddad1

  1. not to be rude but u might need a mesh ( if u dont have one of it at first) of the weapon and then u might need 2 import it into 3ds max(i am talking about 3DS Max 7 )that should work PM me if it doesnt
  2. WTF is all of your problems i just said i have NO MONEY LEFT !!!!!!!!!! god damn no need 2 freakin flame me for this stupid stuff it was a nice question and all of u douchebags are FLAMING me for this god damn
  3. yeah i would if i had some extra money!!!!!!!!!!
  4. no because this is a "support/Help" section and i need help lol and plus no moderators moved it or said anything about it so just go along
  5. well its my first race track and its probably good it has invis stuff and other stuff so plz xport 4 me
  6. hey uhh i need this mod i did xported by 2day can anyone please do this 4 me just pm me and i will give u email adress and my gt so u can get the usermap for xport back 2 360 please please please i need 2 see how well i did on my very first mod 4 halo 3 so please someone help ???????? thanks, jrjonanddad1
  7. i personaly think that what darklegacy is doing is going to get bungie in some serious legal trouble because a lot of kids minors and stuff are playing halo 3 lookin at these screenshots and then there perents see this that would make some serious legal trouble for bungie. i think darklegacy should have both his credit card banned and his ip adress for both console and modem from xbox live, his credit card should be banned from buying 1,6,12 month xbox live cards and anything to do with xboxlive. that should happen to him, he deserves it.
  8. ok i was reading the tags for cold storage and i couldnt find out what the MonDefender wep is and what does it look like can some1 plz show me a screen shot of it and tell me what it does
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