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Everything posted by Lockon

  1. Looks alot better now
  2. Z0MG YOUR STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!
  3. I still hex hex I dont even know how to use forge xD (joke)
  4. isn't this an invasion of privacy?
  5. even though it is we still need a description on what exactly it does
  6. Lockon

    Xmas Music

    xD just women underwear
  7. Lockon


  8. damn vid of the week got me hooked to FSR lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkrdK2sQxzI&feature=related
  9. care for a better description on it?
  10. I left it on the school server ill fetch it in a hour or 3 xD
  11. It feels so good "in my pants" Athrun Zala - It feels so good!
  12. Lockon


    since he cant tell what a human is anymore he doesnt know he starts to eat them
  13. modio copyed everything
  14. Modio V2?
  15. Lockon


    well I did warn ya's http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6337/snufuminorijf3.jpg
  16. when is pikmin day? ibm should have an event like that called "IBM pikmin day"
  17. Lockon


    the original was just that girl in it and the rest i just added to make it look good.but the background (The Grey part) is really sick and if you saw you would have nightmeres. of it.
  18. lol I had a feeling you would say when I read your post. ya ill make one for ya.I have DI today so I should try to make it in that.
  19. Lockon


    hehe I love saya no uta and I might make moar. P.S I forgot to save the PSD for it http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs042.snc3/12968_1170453744795_1331538076_30452419_7211268_n.jpg
  20. well I just got photoshop CS4. hope you like it random http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/7835/ccfinished.jpg
  21. GMT + 00
  22. ibm keeps going down
  23. why does IBM keep going down every 5 mins or so?
  24. Lockon

    glasses now

    because we stare at screens all day.isnt that obvious? im an execption though since my glasses wearing is a physical accident with a ******* BB from a sniper xD it ricochet from my skin and hit off the inside of the so called "Safety Glasses" into my left ere.
  25. a new computer with MW2
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