im gunna be straight up here. my dad works for sprint. ok to be completely honest i have no idea why i announced that. but does anyone else see a problem here? AT&T doesnt have a 4g network... well at least not where i live
What are you trying to accomplish by getting pin headers? Sure you could buy a very long pin head and just snip them at required lengths (3x2, 7x2), but then you just have a bunch of pin headers. Those just make soldering direct wires easier, it won't exactly help gather power for other mods. I don't know about your mobo, but mine had all the solder points filled in, so a direct wire would be easier in my situation. those would be the pin headers for normal xbox, I don't think they've changed from normal to 360. If it fits it works, its nothing special. Just a plastic casing for some medal wires.
I r teh best. None of you nubs can compare to me. I already have all of your bank acounts forzen and you shall bow before the 1337 haxor master. This site will not be up tomorrow because I will have raped its butt hole so hard! Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Pyrosquirrell the Haxor King
yea i have the sprint version called the instinct, and yea nothing is ever gonna be as good as the iphone but dont get me wrong, i love my phone a ton its just the customization of the Iphone is unbeatable