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Everything posted by pyrosquirrell

  1. By take this site down you mean DDoS? thats far from "taking it down." next time video what you did so we can see how much of a real hacker you are
  2. im gunna be straight up here. my dad works for sprint. ok to be completely honest i have no idea why i announced that. but does anyone else see a problem here? AT&T doesnt have a 4g network... well at least not where i live
  3. adobe cs5 ftw.
  4. He said in his original post that he had a JTAG, so that sure helps....
  5. What are you trying to accomplish by getting pin headers? Sure you could buy a very long pin head and just snip them at required lengths (3x2, 7x2), but then you just have a bunch of pin headers. Those just make soldering direct wires easier, it won't exactly help gather power for other mods. I don't know about your mobo, but mine had all the solder points filled in, so a direct wire would be easier in my situation. http://secure.llamma.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/64_37/products_id/116 those would be the pin headers for normal xbox, I don't think they've changed from normal to 360. If it fits it works, its nothing special. Just a plastic casing for some medal wires.
  6. I r teh best. None of you nubs can compare to me. I already have all of your bank acounts forzen and you shall bow before the 1337 haxor master. This site will not be up tomorrow because I will have raped its butt hole so hard! Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Pyrosquirrell the Haxor King
  7. test
  8. its a little old but thanks really helped
  9. touche... but not everyone wants to do it the easy way, sorry didnt know that he did make this :/
  10. yea i have the sprint version called the instinct, and yea nothing is ever gonna be as good as the iphone but dont get me wrong, i love my phone a ton its just the customization of the Iphone is unbeatable
  11. Not sure if it's too late to post but i have ADD, OCD, and i am also hypoglycemic... yea that's a word
  12. i'd love to help, GT- Pyrosquirrell
  13. sweet dude, i dont have a banned xbox but by reading it, it looks pretty legit. Way to go
  14. great choice, i cant wait to see how this turns out!
  15. hey buddy this sounds awesome, im not that great of an actor but if you need any help im here my gt is PyroSquirrell
  16. wow thanks dude. i guess im the only one really interested in this kinda stuff
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