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Everything posted by pyrosquirrell

  1. 1. Yes 2. Not all, but region is correct 3. Tried that Nothing worked. any other suggestions? It's a pal box
  2. I was never told to use xextool, just 360gamehack. Should i be using xextool for uncompression first?
  3. So I recently jtagged my first xbox, and I started putting games on it and encountered a problem. About 3 of the 8 games I have installed freeze at some point during the loading process. I used Xbox Backup Creator to extract the files out of the iso, and I used 360 GameHack to fix the xex's. Here are the list of games and the problems I have encountered with them: NFS The Run - Freezes after choosing user Fifa 12 - Freezes after loading team Ace Combat - Doesn't even load Any help anyone could provide would be absolutely wonderful, Thanks
  4. Wow, in a really weird way, it sounds like an awesome movie. Extra bonus is that I have netflix too. Thanks for the suggestion!
  5. Never seen Kids, gonna have to check that out. However, I have seen Requiem for a Dream and almost vomited the first time I saw it. The worst scene is when the girl is on that table and there is the double sided ***** and there's like crap coming off of it. Ew, gross.
  6. Hey guys, It's almost christmas time and I'm thinking I finally want to cave in and buy a jtagged/jtaggable xbox. I'm looking for any non-xenon mobo. P.M. me if you have any you were looking to sell. Thanks, Pyrosquirrell P.S. sorry if this is in the wrong section mods, feel free to move it.
  7. way to go peaches, thats something to be proud of
  8. haha, I know how to get music. I'm not currently interested in how to get free music. I just want to know how encryption works and I threw out an idea on a current encryption that I was interested in. Thanks though
  9. thanks for the despotify suggestion, I saw that as I was browsing google. Do you have any suggestions as to how i can learn how to decrypt things?
  10. thanks peaches any real help?! n00b
  11. Hello all, So recently I've become very interested with this whole idea of decryption and how it works and what not. So while using spotify I found the location of all saved music and I was interested in learning how they encrypt it. Ok so if you've even gotten this far you're probably thinking "wow, who is this idiot. he knows nothing." Well - yes, that is completely true. I've had some php background and i dabbled in the hex editing of COD for a small amount of time. So here is my question. What do you suggest I start with on learning how this encryption works, and also, how to figure out what sort of encryption something uses. Any suggestions / yelling at me for how n00b i am, is more than welcome.
  12. I'd bite twam. Sounds like a good idea to me, and yet you still make profit
  13. Peaches -- Being my best friend in real life and all, I've already given you the mushy sentimental crap that people on here are doing, but I think this would be a great chance to re-iterate it. You are the reason that I am interested in anything related to computers. I remember when we were in middle school, and all of a sudden one day I came over to your house to play xbox and you showed me this crazy thing called modding you learned, which gave you the ability to change stuff in Halo 2. I knew so little about computers that you had to show me how to use the file explorer. Now I'm at MST learning shit about computers on my way to a Computer Engineering degree with an internship after my freshman year. All thanks to you and your perseverance about learning something new. You've shown over 20 THOUSAND people what a computer is capable of doing and given them tools they otherwise may not have. That goes so far beyond technical experience and something you can put on a resume. I can tell you right now, IBM isn't done. It's still got a ways to go, but no matter what ends up happening, other people and I will ALWAYS remember what this has given us. I respect what you've done and where you will go and look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks. Everyone else -- I really respect all of you that have given me part of the knowledge that I have today. I may not have been very active on the site, but trust me, I read your posts, and I knew who you were. I heard about all of you, and I'm sure some of you would be surprised at how much you're brought up in conversation between me and peaches. I hope some of you saw this message and continue to be active. Though school is very time consuming, I will do my best to help out with that as well. -- Pyrosquirrell
  14. So i added it to my jdownloader, then when I tried to close jdownloader it never closed, and so i have this constant javaw.exe running. So when i went to delete the file today it told me i couldn't because it was open in jdownloader.... then it also told me it was 433GB, so im about 40% done right now
  15. I'd agree with you on this one. I have a kinect and I'd love to see some fps or action based games for the device. As would many other people i know who have a heavy fps background.
  16. I didn't know you owned the site
  17. Lolololololololol can I haz ch43t c0des 2?1!!!1!!1!!1!eleven!!!1!
  18. ok, so periodically it will change to only being 1$?
  19. I have an actual gameboy advance sp with a gameshark... i love it. im effing 18 and sometimes i will still whip that shit out. My cousins think im awesome cause "somehow" i obtained like 18 shiny lugia... and im playing sapphire. god, what an awesome game
  20. Does backyard adventures with the girl next door count?
  21. Hey guys, just saying hi again, thought I'd try and get back involved in the site. It's been quite a bit of time and so I just wanted to say hi back in here again. also, I have a concussion, so sorry if i repeated anything in this post
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