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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. Do we still have members+? I dont seem to have it and i dont notice any1 with it.
  2. sorry boose but since you lied about this and had no clue. i am dissipointed in you. -rep even though you have vip.
  3. we could just make it like you said and normal members need 50+ rep.
  4. When we get to fifty members.
  5. its boring and addicting
  6. i suggested this before but it was only under VIP (i had it when it was 200 posts) but this is a good idea
  7. xpargas you are sub admin now miin your are now global mod
  8. miin gets global mod and pargy when your back you can have subadmin becuase i <3 you. edit: can a mod change the title to please sign up?
  9. here. if you choose me all i ask is for credit.
  10. id be happy to do it but that post is a little hard to understand. Can you clean it up a bit?
  11. kk. but VIP lets see who else signs up. only beacuse you have had a lot of your own forums and you are my best internet buddy.
  12. I know. Do you have any forum expeirence (moderationg or setting-up)?
  13. I started a new a forum. People plz sign up. First 2o people that i dont selected as a Sub-Admin or Global Mod will get VIP. http://oraclemodz.50.forumer.com/index.php Thanx, PREPPY DIABLO
  15. Gld to see your all good man. <3 you
  16. lol. i <3 the fail part.
  17. Still no pics . Why?
  18. that and his 2nd extra
  19. R.I.P Black Im gonna mis him alot. This is really sad.
  20. Bots can have gf's?
  21. Are the correct drivers installed on your computer?
  22. lost thats pretty sexy. when do i get mine? Dan thats pretty sexy
  23. http://www.astahost.com/info.php/Photoshop-Tutorial-Soft-Plasticy-Banner-Sig_t6374.html
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