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Everything posted by Tommy2st

  1. possibly changing something you shouldnt...you should include what your trying to do...also mayb a rehashing problem
  2. me maybe?
  3. i agree with some points but i doubt its going to happen
  4. im on vista so i cant view them... im trying to find a clean xp iso now
  5. Tommy2st

    Crazy Avatars

  6. looks good...when my laptops back up and running ill dld it
  7. i have the game ill test the app out and tell how it goes.
  8. Tommy2st


    i agree the staff now are good but a few more should be added on
  9. in tennesse.. It is illegal to use a lasso to catch a fish.
  10. yea around 30-40 i do them for around where i live. I also make 10 dollars a game
  11. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Tommy2sT/avatar-body.png
  12. Great, these new rules are perfectt
  13. i remember that lol
  14. made a banner for you and posted it on your site
  15. i forgot h2 is a xbox game so yea you can fit it
  16. to my recolection most games are the same size so you have to use a dl...use verbatim dvd +r dl
  17. Tommy2st

    Dvd Burning

    ConvertXtoDVD...best thing invented
  18. i hope their done soon http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ heres the link to see their updates
  19. the ipod dev teams blog has videos of them jailbreaking the 2nd gen. they said after they work out a few problems it will be out. So everyone with a 2nd gen like me be ready
  20. nice job i really like the gay pride hornet...lol
  21. **Edit ** after checking for virus virustotal found a few so i removed it
  22. you can mod them...however your the only person who can see them...noone but you
  23. nice program...looks ver clean ... good job there
  24. Tommy2st

    Modded Film

    this is something funny to do to annoying people
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