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Everything posted by halo3

  1. halo3


    message my gamertag fredrick37
  2. halo3

    My new Mod

    thx ,i think lol
  3. halo3

    My new Mod

    i aded link if anyone wants it
  4. halo3

    My new Mod

    This is a mod on sandtrap it has a troop hog with a gun on it on it a messed up wraith a non solid frigate drop pods that come down fron the sky light poles and of cource lots of clones Here are some pics: the clones troop hog and messed up wraith non solid frigate that dropes off suplies Download: message my gamertag fredrick37
  5. halo3

    My offer.

    so you mean like a profile i got a spare, if u can make me a moded pic, he is a lutenate if u want he reply
  6. halo3


    this is a new map i made here r some pics Visit My Website Visit My Website Visit My Website Visit My Website if u want the map message me my gamertag is fredrick37 ps can i just attach the map to this fourm then u xport it?
  7. can i join my gamertag is fredrick37, and haow aabout moding broz?
  8. can some1 put it on there fileshare 4 me?
  9. sry i put it there and i was going to add link but i can't get on bungie or i will get banned can someone help me?
  10. thanks but it isn't my fist just the first im relesing and hw do u get the map on bungie without getting banned?
  11. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamertag=fredrick37&ssid=44588267 this is a pix this map has 2 gauss terrets at each base and blue fog in the middle and invisable berriers on the sides so u can only go though middle for some reson i couldn't get the pics of other mods on map ps if u want it messaage me and can someone plz tell me how to get it on bungie without gettting banned?
  12. i dont have an xsata i have an xport 360 (not sure if its the same thing) but thats good so i wont get in trouble, and dose it matter if i have an elite 360? for simple moding, clones etc.
  13. if my xbox broke again because of red ring of death which it probale will and i moded but didn't do anything to my xbox, just made a mod on my computer and put it on my hard drive, if i sent it in would i get in trouble?
  14. what im not asking 4 a dev kit, if someone uses a dev kit on a map wont everyone see it?
  15. who has a dev kit and can someone help me plz, i have some moded maps but i need a dev kit to see it can someone who has a dev kit fix it for me or whatever they do and i will give you something, like my moded maps, or a mounth of xboxlive or whatever if you can help me message my gamertag its fredrick37
  16. dose anyone have a dev kit if so plz can u help me i have snowtrap and a gametype if u play on it u have recon during the game but both need a dev kit plz help me i will show you evry mod i have and i will give you snowtrap and that gametype plz
  17. i have a gametype where you have recon when u play it, but i need a dev kit to see it
  18. can someone help me i have evrything for moding i just need someone to help me plz message me gamertag its fredrick37
  19. i have every mod there is out there and i will give you them all for 1 mounth xbox live i will even show u some to prove it my gamertag is fredrick37
  20. those instant respaws dont work
  21. is this a place where i can get a resigner? can you plz tell me dose this work? here it is http://www.fullreleases.biz/NewMembers/ ... 3+Resigner
  22. well cant u mod without breaking open your xbox 360? thats what i mean, and just basic modding, like clones and small things like that
  23. well moded pics dont have a game, how do you explain this?
  24. well there is a pic on my file share, and the pic isn't modded because when you click veiw game it says the names of ppl who played on it here it is http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHa ... 2453720785
  25. well halo 3, and xbox 360, and soft modding not hard
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