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Everything posted by halo3

  1. Shotspartin if this is real can u relese how 2 use it so ppl can actuly use it?
  2. so this is real?, or at least the xex
  3. im not good with offsets is there another way 2 do this like type something in the discription like changing the color in the discription. It would be easyer if u just told us search this than replase it with this
  4. halo3

    The Pit Bound

    no affence but any1 who can download it can just use dark's program 2 easly make it, whats so big about this i made 1
  5. it dosnt work its currupt tryed it several times but out of intrest what was it about?
  6. i dont no how 2 halo 2 mod can u plz help me?
  7. if shots resigner is real (I dont no if it is or not plz dont fight) how do you make a projectile mod? like a assult rifle shoot spartian lasers or what ever.
  8. will it be the pic also? also if there is no campaign y is it in the program?
  9. halo3


    lol does it extract a campaign film lol
  10. halo3

    Modded GamerTag

    if its in xport just drag over 2 ur desktop
  11. sry its a little wordy, glitch found by SwampfoxE7 OK for this u need the warthog glitch follow instrutions u can get the warthog into the tower on the covedent(lol i no there r some spelling problems) first just go to start of the mission and then when the pelican drops the vehicles just make sure the warthog and prowler live. then drive the warthog into the in the tower door then get the prowler and ram the warthog. then grab a brute shot shot the floor by it 2 move the warthog then when u get it about half way into the room u can drive then just squeese through the rest off the doors Now for the marine glitch, get the warthog up by the elevator get ur other controler/friend 2 be reddy on he elevator switch then just gently push the marine/marines on the elevator with the warthog make sure there directly infront of ur wathog then when there blocked by the warthog and its on the elevator start it up since there blocked by the warthog they cant jump off so there forced 2 go up when u get 2 the top they should get off the elevator and start helping lol then its alot easier here is a pic for those who think its not possable
  12. hey well this part has a berrier that if u dont get 2 a certain point and drive it it will pull u back 2 the door
  13. sry its a little wordy, glitch found by fredrick37 u can get the warthog into the tower on the covedent(lol i no there r some spelling problems) first just go to start of the mission and then when the pelican drops the vehicles just make sure the warthog and prowler live. then drive the warthog into the in the tower door then get the prowler and ram the warthog. then grab a brute shot shot the floor by it 2 move the warthog then when u get it about half way into the room u can drive then just squeese through the rest off the doors and up the elevator. when u get up kill everyone but the chiefton becuase since there is not supossed 2 be a warthog it will just try 2 run at u and he wont swing its funny then u can kill him lol. pics:pic anouther pic hard 2 see but his is the cheifton he just tryes 2 run at u he dosnt attk lol here is a vid if u want 2 see it done:video
  14. oh lol for a sec i thought u ment the new map pack lol
  15. ya its a glitch and its fun lol does any glitch relly have a purpose lol
  16. i now added pics and a vid if u want proof
  17. sry its a little wordy, glitch found by fredrick37 and tylerbata u can get the mongoose into the tower on the covedent(lol i no there r some spelling problems) first just go to start of the mission and then when the pelican drops the vehicles just make sure the warthog and mongoos live. then kill all the brutes and everything then at the door into the tower get ur mongoos into the door best u can make sure no1 is on it when u get off then get ur warthog and push the mongoos through. don't get on the mongoose yet kill all the brutes and things first then go back 2 ur mongoos, DO NOT GET ON IT ATOMATICLY PUSHES BACK 2 THE DOOR. so u have 2 mainly push it by like walking. then when u get 2 about the middle of the room it is safe 2 drive then just drive 2 the elevator and there u have it. there is more 2 explore im sure so have fun video:here is the video pics if u want proof:here is 1 here is anouther
  18. ummm a achievment app?
  19. i tryed 2 get the pics up but it wont wrk, just if u want pics go to bungie.net and go 2 tylerbata, its pritty clear what the pics r
  20. this one has cool smoke ,rings, ark, clones and lots more second is like the first but with more halos 3rd is like all 3 but with over 100 halos!!!! if u want any1 of these message my xbox live account fredrick37 or TylerBata and ask them 4 map #1 #2 #3 or all of them
  21. what do u mean by hosting? and i can give u rely valueble stuff in exchange
  22. hey thats my picture!!! the white recon
  23. not real he eaither moded a film or got the pic off of google
  24. can u mod a pic 4 me plz i no how to do iut but i can never figure it out
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