I tried to burn this halo 2 map pack for my flashed Xbox 360, it didn't work. But when i burn't a normal edition of halo 2 it worked. Do i have to do anything special to make it work?
Please only vote if you saw the movie! Also if you voted awsome or great please sent the user "Robert_Hehn" a message saying "Watch the movie avatar" TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRdxXPV9GNQ
If you download Basic Map Downloader from http://xboxsoftmods.org/ then go to add-ons in the top right hand corner. Then type in the following key: 11111 22222 33333 Then see the easter egg! sorry, its not there anymore!!!! just ask the guy who first posted about it thought
Help or ill play roflcopter music What is the point of halo 3? Do you kill people or is it like pac-man, or pong. I really need to know this by tomorrow because i'm in college and its a project. If i dont ace this project i will go back to Finland. and flying turtles will eat my legs and fly to united states and kill my whole family. Please don't let that happen. Oh yea and im in the desert so i don't get good connection out here so it might take awhile to reply. Well thats it. please help ASAP email: @hotmail.com