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Miles LLC

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Everything posted by Miles LLC

  1. Girls
    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. iBotPeaches


      and by cp you mean club penguin.
    3. SotG Caboose
    4. Justrec















      child porn ftw

  2. I'm planning on buying a Dynex HDTV from best buy (here it is) But i never heard of this brand before, the reason on why i want to buy this TV is because of how cheap it is; it's only 499$ and it's a 40" If you have a dynex TV or you know about them please post your opinion EDIT: I decided to get a 40" Samsung for $700, thanks for the comments!
  3. I'm trying to find a good GPT site that gives you money via PayPal and that's fast. Any help?
  4. lolz
  5. The only way that would work, is if your god. Sorry.
  6. Darn you and your photoshoping skillz!
  7. Your's work perfectly. lol, peaches for some reason both of your's didn't work. Thanks Though
  8. I just tryed that, and know i have that blue zig-zag line under the text. And i can't publish (errorzzz) Yes.
  9. I want to edit my schools computers user loggin to admin. Is there a easy way to do this? Also the accounts are on a network. Easy to where i can do it less then 5 minutes.
  10. Thanks, also it wasn't nessary to add pictures.
  11. SOLVED Thanks to, Peaches & dennijr This is the code that worked for me: Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "\apps\test.txt") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm making a program that is basicly a AIO. I have a code where it open's the program i want, ete. I'm using this code: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("test.txt") But i don't want the program\files to be in the same folder as the .exe I want it like this, and when i do this i get a ERROR System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("apps\test.txt") Here is what i want it to be/work like: http://i7m.net/files/Images/Screenshots/image001.PNG **** So, my question is; how do i fix this?
  12. Umm... You can in Single Player..
  13. I pick 3!
  14. He's just that cool.
  15. 7
  16. The site has a about us button.
  17. What about my sig?
  18. Can somebody photoshop a logo for my website? Try to keep the color's related to my webpage. http://i7m.net/ Try to make it large, so i can resize it. thanks
  19. Just to let you know, the comment where i said you suck was a joke! lol. Him and i are photoshop rivals. And my gamertag is in his lobby! "Miles LLC"
  20. OH NO! My photoshop rival!
  21. http://www.mdc2u.net/images/Halo%20REACH%20-%20resized.png
  22. When you build an image from scratch you have alot more customization then taking an picture. Also i fixed those bugs. lastly, It's not spouse to look real.
  23. here is an image i found of the new armor bungie created, because of everyone getting recon. They just wanted to feel special once again. http://www.mdc2u.net/images/colonel.png
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