To make the site more popular again offer a 1/50 chance of winning 1 million dollars per 1000 (high quality) posts. Everyone with postings low quality will be removed from the chance, with this implemented you could easily get thousands of active users.
It is impossible for code/software to die, Die: (of a person, animal, or plant) Stop living. Since the map pack was never living Living: An income sufficient to live on or the means of earning it. it could not die.
Yo no odiaba a la tercera panqueque hasta que las galletas sucesivamente fue liberado de Super Glue.
Esto no ha sucedido desde ... Creo que el próximo viernes voy a empezar a trabajar en el tercer rectángulo tortuga en mi cara sin el razonamiento adecuado para ello.
Asà que básicamente me odiaba cuando la gente pone su jugo rofl por toda la cara, se siente bien, pero es tan condenadamente molesto.
Tal vez algún dÃa pueda disfrutar de pizza partÃculas que vienen del cielo, pero lo dudo
At this rate I am never going to finish the download. If this download finishes sooner then estimated I'll have sooo much porn.
You really need to do something with your logo. Reasons: * A lot of people probably just leave the site thinking the site's based off of Halo: REACH (Which is bad because of how much of a fail reach was). * It doesn't look like the logo matches your theme very well. * It cut's off the elite's arm and the glow, which messes up the gradient. I can see if Roberts interested in creating a new logo... That's about all I have to say, the logo has always bugged me.
.: Free Public FTP Storage :. You will need an FTP program which can be downloaded here Optional: We have a 128-bit Encryption Available! FTP Account Information: Username:|publicftp Password: password Server Address: You can also login to the server by just opening Windows Explorer, example, My Document and type in the address bar and login to the server that way. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Terms of Use :: If you need to refer to this again, visit the FTP "READ-ONLY Data" What you CANNOT do with this service You cannot upload a file that you believe or know is infected with malicious software. You cannot upload files larger than 5GB, some exceptions may apply. You cannot use this service to store illegal and/or copyrighted software, no exceptions. You cannot create directories if you do no plan on uploading any files to that directory. For security purposes you cannot access any of these via http, FTP only. What you are able to do with this service You can upload as many files as you want as long as if does not violate the ToS of this FTP server. You can download as many files as you want as long as if does not violate the ToS of this FTP server. You may create as many folders as you want in any directory, only if you plan to upload something to that directory. You may report a violation to me directly by sending an email to You must have "FTP" within the subject line so I will be able to better know what the email is for. Please also include the directory to the file which violates the ToS. NOTE: If you need anything removed PM me or email ASAP.