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Everything posted by egworld

  1. Ya just like peaches said here is the site i use, -No Ads -1,000MB-10,000MB Disk Space -10GB-100GB Bandwidth -Price: Free! -Free .co.cc (There free any ways) get a .co.nr and dont link they dont check all the time. Ya they also have phpbb3 but i run vbulletin so ya. Site link is!! ........................... http://www.nxserve.net/hosting.php
  2. Ok I want to know if there is a tutorial or if peaches could make a one. Here is someone that was talking about it on another site and one of them sayed that peaches said how to do it but i need just a little help on how to do that. k guys i was talkin to iBotPeaches on windows live (hes from http://www.ibotmodz.net) u mod old maps like normal if u mod the new maps e.g. turf and all that stuff... heres the big moment... ok when u download the maps dont resign the maps with a auto resigner u HAVE to have the original signature and use like samesig2 and resign it like that or get a un modded version of the map and ur modded version of the map and resign with orginal sig and u wont get kicked out of MM i didnt belive him so i tried it.... it worked i modded my h2h acc up to like a 40 lol then i deleveled cause my friends would suspect somthing So do think this would work??? And if it does will someone make a tut.
  3. Kool I will try this on my moms computer i got to buy a new bluetooth card today so i can use my laptop
  4. Hello i was bord and im on a quest to fix my xbox 1. So what happend was that my xbox is frzen at the xbox live setup page. I dont know how to fix this any ideas. i might try ftping into it and see how that goes.
  5. Sorry i have been off, but yes i got it to work if you change the last 4 #'s you can get the Collectors Edition code, It does take some time. It took me about 23 or 25 try's to get it to work but i did.
  6. Sorry my computer lagged i doubled post sorry!
  7. When you buy the collecters edition you get a code that you use to get the goden clan tag, ect. and like my friend gave my other friend his and he chainged the last 4 #'s of the code and it workd that why i want a gode because he is beeing a dick and will not let me use his.
  8. Ok i know of a little glitch that will allow you to have the weapons and golden clan stag, ect. and i will say how to do it but i need a few codes that you get with the game i will give the M1A1 code's to the people that help. But what you do is you take this code, 1. 2. 3. Need Codes Then go to the callofduty web site register the game but change the last 4 #'s and your done. Sorry i this is hard to read but ya.
  9. That is really sad if some one really needs to make a post on how to get girls wow.
  10. Sorry but that is funny he was talking about the PC beta and you had to download it, but i hope the 360 game is almost the same.
  11. It is usually your GPU and when it starts happening alot then stops your GPU is almost dead and you can hav M$ fix it but it costs $150 but there are people doing studies to see if you can take on off an xbox and put it on another so we will see.
  12. My first post in moths ya!!! Im back you probly dont know who i am but i was here when they had the old forum but ya. Did you guys see the post on the video "YouMilfs (1 month ago) You are dumb this is RSA Encryted ..." i did not read all 3 pages of replys but i would just like to help you guys out a littel more because this sounds cool.
  13. Link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...eplies=true#end YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPyLKxHzSco I dont know how this happend it just did. LOL watch it i am also posting it on youtube.
  14. i got 1 but i comes out july 11
  15. yo mr.twiggy if you can resign some maps for me i dont know if my normal person will any more i kida pissed him off lol but ya. PM me if you can thanks man. <------- lol funny hehehe -------->
  16. did i say this was a program realese i just said it was a tut
  17. can you send them to me in a pm plz.
  18. i spent time getting this so ya better like it. (it sucks) but hell it was $20 that i got for free and so did you here is the download link - http://www.halo3modstore.com/bridge.doc
  19. nice i will download now!!
  20. nice i will download now!!
  21. nice i will download now!!
  22. nice i will download now!!
  23. nice i will download now!!
  24. im EG OverkiIl
  25. i agree and i think that bungie does deserve that and we should have done that for halo 2. but also for halo 1 i gess bungie gave up and just made halo ce to make us happey and you know we would not do thgis if they just let us mod. you know what **** bungie i want to kick there ass so bad the banded me fro there forums also the sent me like 3 mesages saying s*** like this. "Moderator Notice: This user has been blacklisted from this forum. Until the user is removed from the blacklist, all posts this user has made have been hidden, and all topics created by this user have been censored. "
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