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Everything posted by Lux

  1. It has 2 broken hashes.
  2. Good tutorial, but you don't need to take apart your DVD drive to rip the game. You can use the emergency ejection button on your DVD drive to replace your DVD with your game disc.
  3. Any resigner can resign anything. It's the rehasher that matters... And other people have made one besides haxalot...
  4. Lux


    People who are doing what your doing, puts the modding communities name down. We play to have fun with the game, not make other people mad. Rubbing it in their face that we modded to get Recon. Exactly, someone will eventually release a rehasher that can hash higher than 1MB, because if you were to have that, people would start injecting * vids.. and there's another crisis on our hands.. If that "*" was supposed to be p-orn and it got filtered, the films are not actual video data so you cannot inject actual film data; they are records of when, where and how objects move and what spawns and the Halo 3 engine recreates the scene and displays it.
  5. In Halo 3 it says the file size of the file contained in the CON.
  6. It doesn't matter if you do that. It is still flagged as Hidden and Locked in the main menu. The only way to unlock it is by Bungie enabling it in your online profile.
  7. Don't forget that when talking about a RSA private key all those variables are included in the "key"(Except P and Q), "Mr. I made a resigner with no help whatsoever when it's obvious I had tons of help..."
  8. actually this is in the theater section. Because it got moved. --------------- **Yawns** Film modding...
  9. ROFL. You have no idea who SuperModder is, or what he is capable of and his app rapes the s*** out of yours or anyone else's... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28141-170.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28141-171.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28141-172.png
  10. And Nuklear copied SuperModder.
  11. Of course they won't do it to ban just one keypair, unless it's used on a large scale, but once they get a couple they will most likely roll out an update.
  12. Elite's have different Armor permutation's. These are meant for Spartans.
  13. Let the overflow of screenshot's of morons saying they have Recon begin...
  14. I fixed your post so it's not so one minded.
  15. The Halo 3 beta isn't playable anymore. Also, you cannot play it on XBC or XLink as all Xbox 360 games require a MS ping of 30 or lower for system link games. And the Halo 3 Beta was in a LIVE or a PIRS file, which cannot be signed by anyone other than Microsoft so you can't modify and reinject modded maps. So to even play new map's you would need to have a dev kit to play the beta from the HDD.
  16. Pretty sure he's referring to a resigner that can be used offline, in which case people have those...
  17. Lux


    It extracts files from PIRS, LIVE, and CON files...
  18. In your sig where it says the difficulty to put recon in a film, it shouldn't be 5, it should be more like 1...
  19. Ok, could you clue us in on how you got the private keys? No, he can't because he doesn't have them, nor does he have a resigner. And to that person who's trying to sell one, he's just trying to make money off of idiots who are stupid enough to give him money for nothing.
  20. Lux

    Get recon

    Actually, XDK stands for Xbox Development Kit. XeDK, stands for Xenon Development Kit.
  21. No, they do not run unsigned code. I also doubt anyone will you give you what you need to mod Halo 3...
  22. Wow, just wow... You are all so stupid. First off, the Xbox 360's in WalMarts and such are not "Demo Kits" they are retail consoles with a kiosk disc. And Microsoft cannot tell if you are not allowed to use PartnerNet, my friend has had a dev kit for about 6 months or more and goes on everyday and he's fine. Also, I forgot about those secret franchise stores...[/sarcasm] PartnetNet is almost exactly like Xbox Live except only development kernel's can access it, it has a market place and everything. And a dev kit doesn't automatically make you able to mod, you still need to make/get a modified XeX that doesn't check the map signatures or a tool to edit the map in memory. Which are hard to come by, so good luck making your own.
  23. You are all so $%#^%# stupid, I swear to god. No one except Bungie can resign maps. Shade does not have a .map resigner. Why is every spreading lies about him? None of you know shade and your all just talking s*** about him...
  24. There is no Halo 3 resigner to be leaked. Anyone that can mod the actual .map files has a Xbox 360 Development Kit.
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