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Everything posted by fastmouth808

  1. good map, i know he didnt take this from forge hub
  2. jes look for it, for crate
  3. fastmouth808


    giving 1400 microsoft points to anyone that can get me a 45 in team slayer or dubles.... TD= 42 TS=39
  4. what is the reason for only making a film clip less than 2 minutes?? is it because of a rehasher? DOes anyone have the program um the 10 gig hasher??
  5. fastmouth808


    impossible, the only way u can get no weapon is to start with flamethrowers and push y to drop them!!
  6. wow u got apoing there bungie is stupid, this banhammer thing is so stupid, well blame the people who been putting porn on their fileshare!!
  7. lyke the person who created timberland mod, how do i make those barriers??
  8. fastmouth808


    hey nuklear, when is ur mod database thing going to be up, it was really helpful, then now its gone!! edited!! can someone take this off i never kno nuklear was banned!!
  9. i kno sandbox was made for nube, i still have a hard tyme with it lol!!
  10. ?? idont really understand it??
  11. fastmouth808


    anyone know a link for a good tut, i searched on forums, i cant find any!!
  12. u cant, it wont work lyke the guy says, no matter wat way u put a respwan point u always end up standing up...
  13. can some one tell me how to make a barrier??
  14. korupt, u want me to mod u ur recon??i got my xport!
  15. yea they always stand up straight no matter wat u do!!
  16. no microsoft is talking about an update for this fall for the 360
  17. i mean wat item should i use to make a tree stand traight up?? and how do i place a grenade to make a spartan stand upright!?!?
  18. THats PRetty KOOL, hOWD U FIguRE ThAT OUT??
  19. this is keWL!! NYCE!!!
  20. WOW Nyce TUt!!! I PERsonally SUk aT ELevATOr JUmPIng!!
  21. thanx peaches!! this helped!!
  22. yea those maps are awesome!lol....
  23. oh that weird did u try alll thee signers??
  24. this help out a lot thanx eli
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