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Everything posted by fastmouth808

  1. why did he make a new account??
  2. how do u get one of thesd i called so many times and say i got a 120 gb and need to transfer my files, they still dont give me one.....
  3. i think when he says locky, i think he means to lock the post, and he would move this post to the vip section..
  4. that looks nyce pargy!!
  5. lol... tea... nyce one
  6. gj peaches!!
  7. hmm.. i need help with my armour.. i beat the game on legendary and got all skulls.... i had all the armour, but all of a sudden i logged back in and it was all gun, i dont get it can u help??
  8. if u want a good antivirus use kaspersky... i use it on my old computer and it doesnt slow it down or anything.... plus it has pretty good protection...
  9. fastmouth808


    i live in hawaii and all i got to shoot was a paintball gun...
  10. 25... good luck man!! hopefully we can play one day
  11. yea neither do i... im going to fix that...
  12. this is like my v2 of my first sig.... tell me what i can do to make it better...(p.s this is kinna like my first time actually using photoshop so if there is any tuts that you think will help me out) thanks http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4172/newsigq.jpg Reason for edit: Fixed the name thing...
  13. yep red!! has to be the most smexiest!!
  14. i still need to get the maps, i hope they come out soon
  15. i cant get this to work either so i just left it alone.
  16. yeah, what do we do with this??
  17. lol... does it really row around?
  18. pretty impressive
  19. thanx korupt for clarifying that
  20. Can someone tell me what are the limits to modding halo 2 on the xbox 360. can someone give me some good tuts and links to good maps that i can use... thankyou
  21. if u need help just ask someone, i would do it for u.
  22. that looks pretty sick man!!
  23. yep ibet the covenant would win they got scarabs
  24. wats with our name??
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