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Everything posted by fastmouth808

  1. yea, for a simple one it would take all night to search a few thousand fileshare. an update would be nice
  2. well you would type keywords like; mod, anth0ny( idk his name), anything that would relate to a mod.. then it would go through every fileshare, and just give you a list of links. i think i still have it but like someone said it might not work properly
  3. lol, this is a little random, or you can just get an autoer, they still work. and almost undetectable
  4. lol, way to go being honest, i may not be good at photoshop, but most definitely better then my first one...
  5. sorry about that, well, good job on it, it works just need t switch out keyvault
  6. congratz kd and dan... u both deserved it....
  7. lol, the powerranger one ftw
  8. is there much you can do in the mythic maps?
  9. that is pretty cool...be cool if i could do them..
  10. Every one is leaving like all at once....
  11. ope, didnt see it.... well anyways sad to see you go
  12. i dont know who he is talking about, but i sort of have an idea We can only pray that the soilders that hold this ground can band together to defeat the darkness that slips, streams and plagues the heart of the former lengend iBotModz, the only thing that remains is its legacy.
  13. i currently dont have an xbox atm
  14. lol u got a good point... if they were to take it into consideration, they look at a website you run, which is a modding one. the chance of them thinking that you modded that picture will have no doubt to them
  15. i have have this resigner that i have downloaded a while back... im not sure who made it. i have nothing to do with this... i am just wondering if this works.... the kv should work..if not could you try your own. can someone please test this....Resigner.rar
  16. HE did make this map.... it was someother creator..... gosh, will u just stop making stuff up. no wonder why no one likes you..
  17. its called uber bouncy....
  18. lol good idea, im doing th same
  19. what does that have to do with anything??
  20. http://rapidshare.com/files/222845489/Photoshop_CS4.rar well if that link dies or anything, here is a new one... i tested this one, and it works. just unrar and enjoy
  21. That sounds good... Cant wait till Tuesday:)
  22. how do u do the gamecube??
  23. i was getting the same thing as you and after what dark said to do, it works fine now, THanks...
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