I need a banner for my clans website. THe name of my clan is Assains for Hire or AFH. I am open to all ideas. also can some one make me a sig. I want it assains creed themed, With my display name for my site, xXLEGENDXx on it were it would look best. and in the bottom left corner Assains for Hire or AFH.
It comes with unleash x dash, xbmc, no homebrews, and is plug and play capable if you can change your hdd. I bought it on ebay awhile back for $225. I dont have a price range for it makes some offers and ill choose the best one out of those. I will accept an offer for sure for 1 120 gb harddrive and a 20gb hdd for a 360. i might just take a 120 gb one. sorry about the name on the pic i'm doin this on another forum