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Everything posted by kaze676

  1. I Do and I love it!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18227-537.jpg My phone is sick!!!! With the matching bluetooth headset
  2. http://afh.forumcircle.com That is the URL to my site
  3. How do you get your username and pass word for your forum if you are trying to ftp something to the site like an arcade? I ask this because I am trying to add an arcade to my forum for my clan
  4. Cricket!!! Its the best in the U.S I have unlimited text/pic messaging and minutes (including long distance) free internet that is fast, 1 dollar ringbacktones, all that is for $ 54 a month
  5. o o o pic me i got an answer.... It makes him a nooby little lad lol
  6. kaze676

    3rd sig

    Is this better???
  7. kaze676

    3rd sig

    thank you for your advice. How can I make my text blend in more???
  8. kaze676

    3rd sig

    so since this is only my third sig, what would you guys rate it on a scale of 1-10
  9. kaze676

    3rd sig

    You have a hard time delieving a lot of people make sigs .... I knew that lax had made the sig i know laxmonsters skill because he made me my first sig i just thought it was a cropped stock because it blended amazingly. as for this i found it hard to believe being a third sig but good job . I somewhat know where u r coming from but like I said I read a lot of tuts and watched a few on youtube. I did make that. I don't think you don't believe me or other people when they make their sigs, I think you envy them. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
  10. kaze676

    3rd sig

    well I did. I read a few tuts that I was directed to. How can u not believe I made this?
  11. kaze676

    3rd sig

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10207-400.jpg Can I join GFX? I just got xp the other day( i know sad lol) and photoshop I have already made 3 sigs and there psoted in this section. I am really into making sigs and fan bars. So Can I Join GFX
  12. hahahahahahah ok my bad lol
  13. kaze676

    My secod sig

    Is it the one where when you use it , it divides the sig up???
  14. kaze676

    My secod sig

    I have a question.Is there a quicker way to get rid of a background in a picture that you are going to copy and add as a layer? I put the puck on and then I used a history brush and had to slowly bit by bit take away the unwanted stuff. It took me quiet a while.
  16. sweet sig
  17. kaze676

    My secod sig

  18. I used Photoshop cs 3
  19. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10070-415.png Made it for PIMP C
  20. Ya looks sweet. THanks.
  21. I know there is a xbl generator so I am guessing there is. Can some one tell me if there is or not and if so a link to it
  22. ok thank you
  23. Looks sweet. Do you think you an do my sig too. THe info for it is in my first post of this thread
  24. ok thanks
  25. phpbb3 forum. I sort of want the sane one as this site had at the start. Deathgrip I am not new. I just havent been on the new site a lot. I was on the other site for a long while.
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