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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. Well if by generic you mean modded there is so much. Just look through the tutorials and applications section and you will start to see.
  2. If you have any spare time could do right up a complete tutorial for me please ? And Decatur there is so many applications for the original xbox and the ability to put your games on your HDD and play them off your HDD. You can also put movies, music and pictures on there so a 1TB would be very practical. Also I know that Peaches has a backup of his entire computer on his xbox.
  3. Locked. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=9367
  4. Nice pack, although I don't have wide screen you may want to put some more wide screen wallpapers in the pack for the users that do have wide screen.
  5. Nice program it will come in use.
  6. Its here, there are about 25 different styles so you may want to choose the best one or a couple of them. If you want the exact same one its http://card.mygamercard.net/nxe/Aussie+G.png Edit: spaces in the gamer tag do not matter and it will still find it if you do have a space.
  7. Wrong you can do more with an xbox 1 that you can with the 360. People that are joining the xbox modding scene now missed out on the golden era.
  8. I found out that the max is 137gb with the stock bios. HDD swaps are hard just need to read tons of tuts.
  9. Good song. and crattti what is mlp? Major league Player?
  10. This gives me another idea, or a reminder really. We use to have [gamertag]Aussie G[/gamertag] we should bring it back.
  11. Topic locked. Read news topic about services. and you have provided no information other than the title. Edit: Dam it didn't see peaches post....
  12. Topic locked.
  13. Bumping isn't against the rules. Its only if the user brings up a topic that is out dated, such as a topic about all the leaked Halo 3 information, the game is now released and there is no reason to bump that topic.
  14. rofl
  15. You made me lol then.
  16. I'll create a little mock-up. I know how to do it in ipb 2.2 so I dunno if it would work in what ever version we are running (i forgot).
  17. Sweet. Did you want to know how to create the button like the quote and that? http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Aussie%20G/avatar-body.png
  18. Nope, These are sandals http://www.global-b2b-network.com/direct/dbimage/50272982/Sandals.jpg http://z.about.com/d/shoes/1/0/M/L/teva_sandals.jpg
  19. Not here....
  20. School shoes - http://www.efatacalcados.com.br/config/imagens_conteudo/produtos/imagensGRD/GRD_CM411SB_1.jpg Just imagine them all dirty and without the blue, oh and things falling off them. Everyday shoes - http://www.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/a9/b/AAAAAkWUAmoAAAAAAKm9KQ.jpg I don't understand the American/Canadian's culture and their need for having the most expensive and stylish shoes. I just go to the shoe shop, grab what ever fits and is the cheapest price. I then go spend the money that you would spend on $500 shoes on new games or saving.
  21. I thought all the links got removed, wha confusion .
  22. I dunno what metres is in inch or feet what ever so I used and online calculator and this is what I got. Results 1.96 m = 6.430368 ft (decimal) = 6' - 5 2/10" (feet, inches and tenths-of-an-inch)
  23. I like the new dashboard but dislike the Wii avatar rip off.
  24. Why do you need [ b] and [ /b]? and you will probably have to use <img src="http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/{content}/avatar-body.png"> Just use that like you did with the youtube one. Also if you want help creating a custom button like the code, quote, image, etc. ones I can tell you how to do that too.
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