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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. The big black guy picture "No, you can't has Recon"
  2. I forgot all about this post the mirror is up!
  3. At least you can still tell her that you love her PS: I love my mum heaps too
  4. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend. When my sister got really really really sick (she was sick for like 6 months) She was in a comer and the doctors said she had a 60% chance of living. That was in like 2005, shes ok now but has really bad brain damage and the left side of her body doesn't work as well as her right. So I know what your going through, in a why. I just kept imagining life no other way than what it was like before she got sick. I kept positive thoughts and I said to my self she is going to make it because it would be too weird with out her. Sincerely, SmokiestGrunl
  5. Ooooo I have never played it so I wouldn't know... Sorry
  6. Goodluck Should of put this in suggestion forum Nice idea
  7. I not sure what you mean, but there is a button up the top of the main forum page and its called "Mark forums read", it use to work but know it don't. So if Peaches was to fix that button thats your problem solved.
  8. During my research, I read some where that it couldn't be done because of how the game was set up. I have forgotten the source though.
  9. Sweet, pictures of the tuts too would be good. Ill download and check it out.
  10. I though you said bumping doesn't matter.....
  11. I not even back at school yet
  12. You could really only be the 600th visitor, because if it counts it every time someone loads the page then I have been counted like 15 times myself.
  13. If the pancakes are nice and fluffy If the French toast is nice and crispy So I voted for FT
  14. Next time can you have noodle some where in the sig. Its just your awesome greatness just came out of no where. Anywhy 10/10 for the sig
  15. WTF also wrong section use off-topic next time.
  16. To tell you the truth, I don't know what you are on about....
  17. Would u mod via Harddrive, or DVD-Game I would do both if necessary. Also I heard that modding the new maps is impossible (at least if you were connected to live). Because before the map load it does checks with the bungie server and if it has anything modified in it the map wont load.
  18. I don't complain about the skin. Ill edit my post when I find a skin I like. EDIT: I looked through all of them I don't really like any of them Avalon is not that bad though.
  19. I would LOVE halo 3 if there was a game with only snipers in matchmaking. I know there is shotty snipes in team slayer, but I want 100% chance of doing snipers. Just like in Halo 2 [thinking] ahhh the good old days [/thinking]. Halo 3 = boring
  20. Where do you get these? The only site I know of that has good stuff is [hiddenspoiler=There is some adult content on the site:1pcayt11]jj.am[/hiddenspoiler:1pcayt11]
  21. I for one would just mod offline.
  22. I wasn't getting ****** I was just saying.
  23. fattwam instead of just copying and pasting a source code from a web site the still has tags in it way don't you put some effort into it.....
  24. Ill be sure to but this tut into process in a mod, but first I got to finish the post gen.
  25. Peaches I am going to use the cascading style sheet for the post gen, is that alright?
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